may as well ad myself
Accounts manager smallish (23 people) Electrical Contracting company not terribly fun but pays the bills and I sometimes get to do real work which can be fun.
My Bro bought this game and I love it but renting character spaces from him sucks so I will buy my own copy. I currently am playing in doomhammer which is pretty unpopulated. Would be great to have more than 2 characters.
there are a few recent movies that have come out. probably the two that come to mind immediately are Patlabor WXIII which is good if you've seen either of the first two (although you don't have to as the characters from the earlier movies only make a minor appearance) and Voices Of A Distant Star it only goes for 30 odd mins but it has one of the best stories ever.
then there are a few like Ah! My Goddess, Read Or Die or The first two Patalabor movies (a bit older)
hope that helps
Yeah I always associated lots of anime with young adults/ adults just due to the themes which they contain but I have been told its not really all that big in Japan so I thought I would ask some people who are over there.
*edit* was a bit shocked when I saw my sig on the back of trigun 8's cover. but still it's just a line from one of the earlier ep previews. *edit*
Trigun is awesome and on that note is anyone else in SAU like to watch anime/have a favourite series??
my current fav is Noir
Well since we have a forum for all Japan stuff and me being a huge anime fan I wouldn't mind knowing how anime/manga is perceived by the japanese ie does everybody watch it? is it seen as childish? etc.