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Veilside R33

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Everything posted by Veilside R33

  1. It's going into my Kia...........
  2. Shell & Damo Veilside R33 (Andrew)
  3. you're hard core! To comply with the forum rules you MUST post a price.
  4. Here's a quick one.....I hate people who walk to an intersection when there is no traffic, stop, press the walk button, wait for the walk button to go green and then cross meanwhile having to make the 1 or 2 cars that happened to come by stop, wait and then go again when they could have just fu**ing crossed without having to press the god damned button!!!!! or even worse! those that press the button, then notice their is no traffic so cross anyway then after they have cleared the intersection the walk light goes green so they are off in the distance and have stopped the fu**ing traffic when there was no need!! OH GOD I HATE THEM!!!
  5. 3 words....."To buy drugs".
  6. Morio-carts FTW!!!!!
  7. as discussed, eye wil be thar.
  8. BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! rolflmaowtfbbq? Gospel shows on T.V. early in the morning! is it only lost, afraid christians that watch T.V. at 5am in the morning???? Some of us that are getting on with our lives and not waiting for Benny Hinn to save us are trying to work out in the gym and wouldn't mind a nice bit of tele! Jews- no explanation needed! The fact that becoming a success in life requires persistance, dedication, discipline and hard fu**ing work, as much as I'm glad that it's needed to keep the riff raff out of the top income brackets in this world, it'd just be nice...for once....to be a slacker and have money thrown at you! Sigh, the tribulations of a young high acheiver.
  9. NO NO NO!!! I told you not to put it on the market and I will buy it off you in 2 years!!! lol. Well If I can't have it then someone else will be very lucky! This car is immaculate and anyone who purchases it will be getting a great car. Good luck with the sale Rod!
  10. Sounds like a challenge......a challenge I'd like!
  11. Was great to get to spend an evening with such a great group of people. Thanks guys. P.S. I have not keeled over from the steak yet so food poisoning will hopefully not be an issue. It was the worst steak I've ever eaten and will not be going back though.
  12. all the way? Zif! lol, twas only a wee bit of wheel spin, coming from a diahatsu sirion at the time I forgot that cars do that lol.
  13. WTF were you talking about wierdo? Summer was 10 months ago, get with the times!
  14. However me on the other hand.....lollerskates. 32GTR FTW!!!!! I posted a thread a while ago asking if anyone will trust me with their 32GTR as I've never driven one and will be buying one and didn't get a response. I'm not perfect but I'm known as well as anyone here and no-one would let me. *wipes awat a tear* On a completely random note I just got my new black suede bride buckets today! only took them 9 months to arrive.
  15. My names not there, put my name there or the bunny gets it *Runs out and buys a bunny then sharpens knife*
  16. This thread is exciting, I feel left out....I think I'll take up smoking and then quit!
  17. I'll be thar.
  18. bah the 25th of November is gay, it's a month away from christ mas, make it mid december! otherwise we may as well call it the "towards the end of the yeat but not really anywhere near christmas cruise but we'll pretend it is anyway cause everyone is gay and wants to go in November cruise" and I'll be damned if I keep having to type that!
  19. actually shell, yes he did, lol.
  20. Congrats shell! awesome effort! I can't stand being around smokers and I'd never even go out with someone who smoked socially, makes me sick. What helped you to decide you wanted to stop? Did you smoke much?
  21. Thus concluding our intensive 3 week course.
  22. lets make it a Kristmas Kris Kringle! or the KKK for short, I can't see anyone having a problem with us supprting and inter club KKK event.
  23. I'll be there come rain hail or shine.....expect for the rain and hail part cause that sh*ts just gay....actually the hell with it, I'll only come if there's shine! Will be on the M/B
  24. Bahahaha Nugget serves up the ball, Veilside spikes and Sigsputnik smashes it home! lollers!
  25. I buy mine already mostly built.... Next car R32GTR Next daily car Current model Jaguar After the R32 will be an R34GTR After that it'll be a Ferrari.
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