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Everything posted by kenny_lim

  1. oo.. wakaremas..cheers fellas.. so 1st i figure out how wide i want my tires to be... then i can work out the offset from there.. rite?
  2. hi.. sorry this question is very basic.. just wondering what wheel offsets are about? i know they make ur car look fat but thats about it. can u go too fat? .. resulting in a rear end with too much grip? are offset wheels more expensive than off the shelf? how would i know the balance between what looks good without compromising performance? ta! ps...advice for a 200sx actually..
  3. Jesus H. Christ. well done mate!! PS - was dat orange supra with the white rims (DAMN) urs 2? dat looked sweet =)
  4. F*** uni! advice tho: dun go overboard partying(heheh..yah rite..)...go to classes (esp. if ur an international!!!) make friends with the smart kids in class... dun matter if they're geeks or loud or whatever... long as ur passing everything have as much fun as u like...i found out the hard wayyy....not like yr12 at all... couldn't party my b*lls off and pass everything.... n 1st years a bludge...get all the partying out of ur system then!!! PS - seeing everyone else (friends and peeps) graduate and still having 2 yrs to go is..... feels .... f*cked. keep passing aite!!!!!!! can't believe i found my fails funny then... bloody st*ner...... PS - i think the right course is directly linked to ur motivation.... been doin accounting for 4 years now...and am only going into 2nd yr... sheesh all the best mate, have fun!
  5. i reckon 34 man.. should pull more people at the autosalon... reckon GTR would pull people at the show if it was a KILLER quick car... 34 doesn't have to be... nice wheels and bodykit...interior and i.c.e should be 'sikk' enuff.. lol
  6. yo franks ur 34 looks the bees knees mate! is dat an impul bodykit man? wat GT wing is dat?
  7. yeah...just thought i should i add the silvia's like love at 1st sight... bt never been for a drive in one... been in a mate's 34GTT and man... they sound f*cken HORN ! the suuuuck of air thru the turbo and the accompanying psssssHHHHHH.... mAD... and it feels darned fast too!! altho he was saying 'its not that fast.... only on low boost'... guess i been in the civic too damn long.. hehehe anyways... if its practicality i was after i might as well stay with the civic. as long as i feel like taking my baby out anytime just for the heck of it.... thats the car i'd own... and it seems like i can't go wrong with both... maybe sum test drives are in order i believe.. anyways, thanks for all your feedback guys. ta =)
  8. yo guys, i'm torn between the S15 or 34GTT... the 34 is much more powerful... bt how is the handling? very difficult for me to get a test drive of both these vehicles... all i know is they look SWEET and i think are a great base for mods.. all i want is a car that looks good :wassup: .... has great response and handles quick.. hehe.. don't we all.. but yeah... can't choose between these 2.. not looking to go above 300hp rite now...so i think mod costs should be around the same..yeah? just wondering if anyone's driven both and can give me a real-world comparison.. ok then .. later damn i love both of 'em....! and i barely know 'em! hehheh
  9. hey guys, thanks fo all da cmments again, i think i've been dreaming a bit too much - sad tho..i was really up for a GTR...nice pics400HP - someday man..someday ;p thanks to everyone for their feedback and opinions.. yu've been a Big help. peace. PS - nissaner: take care of you're baby man put in a big phat alarm system!! its just the insurance thing And the p/w ratio tht have turnd me off.. frankly, i can't be stuffed going thru all the hassle. rather jus wait a few years .. who knows mayB then i could afford a GTR34? at the moment..i did more homework and found out dat a WRX comes just Under the p/w limit for a P-plater in VIC. so i'm looking at dat -the wagon version prbs cos i think its sexier and mayB insurance may be slightly lower? can't compare it 2 a Skyline bt i reckon its not a bad way to start with learning about turbo AWD cars and their handling/modding possibilities. i'll keep an eye on the events bulletin and if da VIC skyline owners are gonna have a meet i'd love to come down and meet up, take a look at your machines.. if i've got a subie by then i'll be sure to bring it along.. n try 2 n keep up LOL
  10. nissaner: are you insured? wats your deal? you're 16k quote sounds genuine, i did some homework 2day and heard a quote of 23k for a 300zx!! mutha fu*ka!! funkymonkey: yo the gtst is just Over the p/w limit. insurance seems kinda bleak...i'm very dissappointed. the write off wasn't from racing or speeding..just wasn't careful enuff - turnd right when i wasn't supposed to (wonder how many times have i've gone F*#$ o*f at those bloody idiots who do the same thing) and ran straight into a van coming real Fast..couldn't do ****..just FROZE. damn lucky no one was hurt bad. btw..ya think its possible to get dat r34 wagon imported here? looks siccccccc..
  11. nissaner: 500hp?!??! fakken 'ell...LOVE 2 see you drag the new Murcielago..i'd pay 2 see dat tsktsk very bouncing man $16570p/a ...sure that ain't a typo? i mean.....c'mon...WTF??? rite? might as well just not get it insured and take my chances... dats crap KamikazeR33: yeah the power-to-weight ratio's all f*@kd up...can't even drive a Gtst wit those numbers...again, mebe i'll just take my chances.. know wat happens if i get busted driving a car dats 2 powerful? but i've seen heaps of fellas cruising around Melbourne with P's on their skylines, evos, subies... either they dunno about their restrictions or the cops don't really care (altho i seriously doubt this in VIC). maybe i should just pack up and move to Qeenslnd [yeah rite]..or Perth so help me God...[no offense to all you Perthans out there!!] fatz: LOL i been thinking of ways to get around dat..i mean a lot of us here ARE under 25 AND drving gtsts and GTRs..wats da deal? mayB just get 3rd party insurance under the olds? or just don't declare the accident? this GTR thing is fa'ing difficult in Victoria when ur U25 P-license, been in a write-off.. if anyones been thru this, i'm sure lots of you have... tell me about it pls or if anyone can suggest me another car..altho it will be diffiult settling for sumthin other than a GTR now..keke..
  12. ehehe..wat do i do now so if i go and mod the car most prbs that will void the warranty..so i might as well just get the car imported and use the leftover money for mods rite. i spoke to craig from j-spec the other day and he said all he did was import. didn't say anything further when i asked him about insurance..altho he seemed genuinely friendly...unlike a few dealers i kno. i'll speak to him again when i get closer 2 buying the car. he did say he could get a GTR33 for $35000+ n complied, 1995-97, 50000km's and under- depends on the day...very very attractive pricing. funkymonkey: definitely a manual man..unless i'm driving a Bi-em or merc. dAVE: i'll go check out whats on offer @carpoint Anyone know of/ got experience wif garages in Victoria which work exclusively on Skylines? Are they $$$-friendly? Thanx 4 all the comments every1
  13. can anyone give me an idea for running costs for a GTR33 andany other skylines please?
  14. dAVE: no surprises there eh! i guess the subie and the evo are just objective comparos..what i Really want is a Skyline... i dunno why..maybe coz it just looks 2 Powerful. always loved the look>>still staring wide-eyed at any skyline rumbling past! bt i reckon buying from a recognised dealer is less riskier than buying privately or importing from Japan. Also the hassle is bypassed N i let them do the dirtywork. Gumby: oh man sounds like you're having FUNx3 !! i have been in a mate's Gtst34 b4 on low boost (not tuned yet) and it already seems Very Fast. can only imagine how the GTR goes...test drive here i come! i've heard many opinions of the GTRs driveability..dats wats really drawing me to the car as well. thanx for the feedback. btw..your sis made a good choice..the gti's fantastic to drive..very chuckable and a lot of fun, always very involving - i miss it heaps!! my first car as well..anyways its very very safe as well - i'll put up some pics of my totalled baby as soon as i can.
  15. dAVE: cool cool.. i'll prbs b getting the car from a showroom, like Gran Turismo Autos in Melbourne or similar. I know they're costly, but I get a 3 year warranty, 24hrs australia wide roadside assistane (gotta check this one out) and servicing. what about the evo and da subie?
  16. MIC33R: extreme performance and better day-to-day drivability? sounds like a no-brainer to me now.. Clint32: mild mods are definitely planned...bigger mods like a bigger intercooler maybe..gotta get the car 1st and see cheers guys, looks like the GTRs the way to go then! any OWNERS out there with suggestions/advice? what about the cop thing? i've got no patience when it comes to having to explain my s**t all the time and i WILL modify the car if i get it. PS - I'm still on my P's, so maybe i'll be attracting the wrong attention wif a GTR..
  17. its a frikk*ng 'ard decision rite? 33 or 34...ahahaha wats your 33 gtst like? are you happy with it? is there a huge difference b/n a GTR and Gtst in terms of driveability (not track usage/ability, just for everyday use).
  18. hi everyone i think it should say on da left i currently own a 206gti - but thats a lil misleading....totalled it last week so now i'm looking for a new car. very lucky to be still walking and talking. NEway, on to more optmistic things== GTR is NIIICE...anyone of them..but specially the 33 becoz of the value for money. just like to ask all of you skyline masters out there hehe.. whether its better to live the dream and get a GTR33 or be more 'practical' and get a Gtst34. I'm findin it more than impossible 2 choose between those two, and evo5 or a MY00Sti. Of course, The skylines are my dream performance car. the 206 i had before ws the most powerful car i've owned and the most powerful car i've driven is a BMW 745i2002. The206 was very easy to live with but maybe a little underpowered. The 7-series is Very powerful...but very easy to live with too - can its peformance be compared 2 a Skyline? do you owners get hassled by cops a lot? is the skyline a good choice for a car that will be used everyday? i sometimes feel driving can be better than sex....so.. an entertaining car is very important. I've also never owned a high-performance/turbo car b4, i've really got no idea what its like to be using one as a daily driver. i'm afraid that the GTR is also more than i could handle. ALL your comments are welcome...help! PS - if anyone's got a good price fo a GTR or any of those cars above, i'm interested to talk further in private.
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