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  1. do you guys know if they accept F430 spiders, i just got mine few days ago and would be good to go for a drive to act.
  2. what are you looking to buy?
  3. bump price drop $2500
  4. HIA dont usualy do sports cars and modified, but if you call the contact i wrote down, youll be able to get it.
  5. they dont sell insurance to public only by recomendation.
  6. anyone inerested in cheap insurance call HIA insurnace on 98087224 contact AVEDIS, mention my name Mirko and youl definatly get cheap insurance. let me know your success stories, he will insure anycar.
  7. delete, found it
  8. you never know, people spend over hundred k moding nissans, maybe someone out there might know someone that is looking for one.
  9. pictures are exactly the same
  10. Im only posting what i would pay for it, no need for people to get all offendid a shayt, if he takes it he takes it, if not, move on. Ive known people to take a big cut on what they want when they arnt in a good financial position, maybe he is maybe he isnt, we'll just have to wait and see.
  11. If its worth 60k why hasnt anyone bought it, If its the bargain of the century at 60kwhy hasnt anyone bought it, if he spent 100k on top of what he paid for the car many years ago, it still wouldnt be worth 60k. At the end of the day its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, sorry but at this point its only worth $35k. you can ask what ever you want for your car nobody really cares but what you get at the end wont be close to 60k i know this for a fact, your not the only one trying to sell a high performance car
  12. i offered 30k now i offer 35k, no trolling here
  13. its a good offer better put the money on your home loan rather than sitting there in your garage
  14. 35k cash money, 100s or 50s which ever you prefer
  15. I already have a new audi rs4 for cruising, i thought i would offer some spare cash and buy a thrash car for fun. you never know some people get desperate, It's not meant to insult you or spit in your face.
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