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Everything posted by sniffy

  1. hey its natural...right?
  2. very nice dude...oh yea im not just saying that so you forget about me telling everyone about whacking off either!
  3. everyone that is bagging jet is starting to remind me of holden drivers! take a step back and have a look at yourselves guys... he asked a simple question...not that hard is it?
  4. hey jet...your wing is a little different, same with the tacho...in my books, that is generally a good thing, if you like, you keep - simple!
  5. lol so obvious...but i didnt even fink of it!!!
  6. dude...way up what you want the car for... performance...reliability...price/value(now and in the future) looks (both are nice but totally different) ...weather you want a back seat or not...handling and maintanence. my sugestion, go test drive a couple of both, and talk to people about both. im sure you know a lot more about the skyline as you hang in here often!
  7. well i got round to "sealing" it with some selleys knead-it...sealled it alright...about a month ago when it was 40deg. i drove to ballarat...3/4 way there my car started making a horrible noise. hard to explain, but it scared the shit out of me. when i got to ballarat, i went to fill up. when i opened the cap there was so much pressure built up in there it fizzed and hissed for about a minute or two!!! it sounded like the fuel was boiling!!! the inlet flap was hot too, could hardly touch!! i got scared, thought it was gonna blow up, so i put the cap on after it calmed down a bit. 5 min later i took the cap off again, and it hissed and fizzed like before! i ended up driving around with the cap on half way so it leaked but didnt build up pressure. that was the only time it has done that since, but it hasnt been that hot since then either. can an extra 5 - 10 deg. do that to a fuel tank...(maybe under pressure?) is it as dangerous as it sounded? or am i worried about nothing? how do i fix?
  8. working....no wonder it iant going...i see what you do when your at your "official" job!!!
  9. you can keep it??? oh wow!!! im there dude
  10. i only woke up at 12:30 and still made it there for a run....excuse denied:p
  11. i used to deliver pizzas. they always set up just round the corner from work...i'd get checked about 2 times a night. was funny when they ask what i was doing, i say workin, then they ask where i worked...meanwhile i always had a couple of pizza bags next to me, and i was wearing a pink shirt and hat that said "pinky's pizza" on it. damn they're quick
  12. i scored a 158.2rwkw @ stock boost (7ish) i dont hav a scanner so you will just have to use your imagination fuel was running way too rich after 4000rpm so a lot more in potential there after that is fixed (anyone got a cheap S-afc???) but still im happy wit the result, i dragged a hyundai when i was on my way home! (well they thought i was dragging them until i decided to go over 3500rpm:p) mods - 3" exhaust - "el cheapo" pod filter - mp3 head unit!
  13. sweet...first i gotta wake up...i miss sleep durin the week, and i have to catch up on the weekends...so if you see a zombie rock up in a white stocky r33...that'll be me!
  14. dude...i think u should put a warning on that one...it aint for the faint hearted.....but i must say, it gets the point accross:(
  15. why should i pray...its his own stupid fault if he wrecks himself...but if he involves others and i was there, he better want to be dead, coz i would kick his ass. he should have more respect for others
  16. safeway is closer...but sometimes i prefer coles...and if its after 12 i go there too
  17. lol...yea? RNF - 036 (i think!)
  18. if there is a spot left, im still keen, dont worry if there isnt...i mite still come and have a look see are the cars booked in to a certain time, if so, whats the order? or is it first in best dressed?
  19. if you see a white stocky looking R33 flash its lights at ya, prob will be me!
  20. oooooohhh....i dont know exactly what it is, but i could sit and stare at it all day... /me is jelous i just creamed my pants:p
  21. last night i was on my way to play the pokies, and this guy just came out of the pub, could hardly walk at all, let alone straight, then got into a car and drove away. i was gona follow him to see if he crashed, but had pokies on my mind!!!
  22. sniffy

    What To Do Tnite

    do you live with your mum? :bahaha:
  23. ???how does that work???
  24. sowee...my bad boobs
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