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180 wanabe

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Everything posted by 180 wanabe

  1. I can fit my kiteboard + kite, harness, vest in my 350GT with the back seat down easy but i think snowbards might be a bit long and end up going throught to the front seats?
  2. I used ferodo DS2500 pads on my 180sx which had R33 4 pots. Worked fine when cold and so much better when on the track. Where the pads that I had before would give up after 3 laps these ones just kept on working! So for anyone who wants a good street/track day pad I highly recommend DS2500 website link
  3. that sounds like you might have air bubbles in the lines in which case you need to bleed your brakes, or your brake fluid might be stuffed and need a change? Im no expert but i made sure my fluid was changed when I did the front discs and pads on my 350gt
  4. I think a LSD would make a fair difference to the Auto as far as traction goes, although its not like a V35 is going to have the traction problems of a 300rwkw S13...
  5. Im on the coast but a trip to bris is not that hard to make + I would also want to get my FM radio working so over AM.... Do you need the cars body number? im guessing the keys going to come over blank? just rock up to nissan or a locksmith to get it cut?
  6. I pulled a 14.5 up in Townsville in summer with a full tank of petrol and everything in the car "spare wheel jack etc" with 35 profile tyres pumped to 40PSI Id say with less than 1/4 tank of petrol no crap in the boot and the stock wheels/tyres with a lower pressure as i did get wheel spin "lazy diff" perfect launch and a good reaction a flat 14 would be acheivable at around 170 to 175rwkw
  7. So are we talking 280-300 for a key or 350 to 375 now? going over 300 is going to put me off considering ill still need to pay to have the key cut and programmed? or was that the price with everything done?
  8. I cant fit a kiteboard + kite + harness + vest in a 350z and if i want to go fast iv got my bike which will blow anything away @ the lights bar a bigger bike
  9. As far as the codes go are they the numbers to do with the cars BCM? TomR33 gave me my pin number after i pulled off the kick panel near the ECU and gave him some numbers or where else do i find them or get them?
  10. if you want 200rwkw i recon just hook up a 50 shot of NOS in a wet system... Im so going to do this when I have some spare $$$$ to blow on the car
  11. I got asked about my car yesterday and today by a couple of different guys who im guessing would have been over 55, and in fact from what I can remember its always been the guys over 40 who ask me in the car park what car I have and what its like. The only other driver of a V35 coupe iv seen on the gold coast had grey hair. Not that threes anything wrong with anyone of any age owning a V35 but I was wondering what age group goes for the V35 the most? Im nearly 26 now and had a pretty wild 180sx from 19 to 24 before I decided I wanted something less hardcore and nicer to drive
  12. its ok iv seen worse
  13. Had my trans oil changed by nissan when I hit 65k mind you they only used one bottel so im guessing they only drained the pan, a full flush should use 2 bottles and yeah only use Nissan J matic
  14. I was wondering if anyone had noticed any improvment in their fuel economy after installing the plenum spacer mod? I know that the main reason for the install is to gain power but im sure i remember reading somewhere that it is supposed to improve MPG and wanted to know of this was BS or something real Cheers
  15. Dude thats super bad luck what a prick that whoever did it didint leave a note
  16. Good thing you never met my old 180sx, it ate a cat when the mixture was running too rich.... Personaly id leave my cats in as my V35 is a daily driver however im all for the stealth NOS system
  17. Im keen to one day go down the NO2 path with a 75 wet shot, but in a way where I can have it pulled out/put in quickly/easialy Im wondering if its possible to have the lines/filters hooked up but no bottel or controller... kind of as dangerous as a gun with no trigger or bullets I know NO2 is illegal but seriously its not a bad thing like running no cats if anything it probaly reduces the nastys from the tail pipe by burning more of them
  18. Was talking to a guy @ work whos got a v35, he was saying he put on headers and test pipes and thew down 240rwhp about 179kw on the dyno in his 5 speed Auto He did not have a before figure so thats a 9kw gain if most autos throw out around 170rwkw
  19. bugger if you were closer to Brisbane I would have taken the wheels from u
  20. This is the reason why I want to hook up a 75 shot of NOS
  21. How may kms did you car have when you noticed/got this fixed?
  22. Put in nulon full synthetic 5 w 30 in mine seems to do its job
  23. this might sound dumb but is ur brake fluid low?
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