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180 wanabe

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Everything posted by 180 wanabe

  1. first of all you have posted in the V35 section
  2. Was interested to see if my V35 could run on E10 but according to this website only post 2004 model can? Now from what I know theres no diff betwean a 03 and an 04 V35 So did nissan change its fuel lines or injectors or something after 2004?
  3. Are you taking about the S2 V35 or all V35s in general?
  4. I am thinking that I may have to replace my front discs sometime in the near future as theres a fair difference in height/thickness of the disc from where the pad wares on the disc to the small area on the edge of the disc that the pad dosent touch. Was wondering if its the same setup as the 350z non brembo for pads and discs? and if anyone knows what the min safe thickness is Cheers
  5. Looks good mate, i say leave the colour the way it is. Interesting to see that your car seems to have no privacy glass in the back? i thought that this was std on V35's
  6. I thought that only the US G35s got the updated engine
  7. Im sure someone else posted something about this not so long ago... personaly i think its a waste of money. Just push down further on the gas and you will do the same thing
  8. hehe iv seen them around before.... they remind me of a postie bike all dressed up particularly with the tyers being so skinny on them. Well on the + side it wont cost much to replace them, I'm going to have to get a new rear tyre on my Ninja ZX636 soon and its not going to be cheap! Sucks about the 250cc limit, I was lucky and got my bike licence before they changed the rules. Back then as long as you have had an open car licence for 5 years or longer you could do a 2 day course and then get your R licence and go straight off to Suzuki and buy a Hybusa if you wanted no questions asked. I got a 636 because I knew I’d get bored with anything less and anything more powerful would be asking for trouble, particularly for my 1st bike. Although now I would not mind going for a R1 or a ZX12. From the 1st of July in QLD they have changed the rules so you can have up to 660cc as long as the bike doesn’t exceed 150kw per tonne, which i think is fair as a couple of my mates have v twin cruisers 650cc and 750cc and they go ok but nothing like a super sports bike
  9. hey mate Matt i sent u a PM about my postage can you please find out for me when you post the other guys 2morow so I can send u prompt payment
  10. Sydney people (post) 1. 2. 3. Sydney meet up 1. 2. 3. Sydney Collect (near bankstown / M5 motorway area) 1. 2. 3. Victoria (group post) 1. dannywss - clayton 2. nissan rules - SE? 3. millos - carlton 4. QLD group 1. 180wanabe "Townsville" 4810 2. 3 WA 1. 2. Anywhere else? 1. 2. 3.
  11. This happend to my car when it came off the dyno after 3 runs I was shit scared something had gone wrong but after about 1km of driving al the lights went off and everything has been normal since then The guy who ran the car on the dyno was saying that some of the newer cars with VDC and traction controll get confused after a dyno run since the rear wheels have been spinning but the fronts are not
  12. The rims my car came with are wide as 11" they fill the guards out nicley but dont hang out
  13. Personaly i dont like autos all that much but the 5 speed in the 350GT is pretty good. Kicks down a gear or 2 when it needs to, smooth and never hunts for gears. triptronic is ok although I only ever use it when going down a steep hill or @ the drags
  14. hmm not sure about that yet as I havent been to a track day my car seems to rev out to 7000rpm ok though...
  15. VDC trys to save ur ass if you do something stupid or if your cars about to go out of controll it will do its best to bring the car under controll its kicked in a couple of times in the wet for me and stopped the car from going into a slide when I took a corner too quick or was giving to much gas
  16. fark this is exactly why I try to park my car between other workers cars @ my work so if i get a ding I know who did it and more so that my fellow workers would hopefully take care when they open up their doors when in comes to shopping centres I allways try park away from other cars 2
  17. Cool iv the same nismo cluster as you
  18. Im guessing that the ECU's for this kit are only going to work for MT?
  19. what sort of boost ? would have to be past 10psi more like 1 bar i think to get that power and are these engines stock or rebuilt with better rods pistons and thicker head gasket? would also need a new ECU/tune + injectors for that power me thinks
  20. Personaly iv been keen to hook up a wet 75 shot of NOS to my car. From what I see considoring I have no plan on taking my car to the track apart from the odd track day for fun "which wont be till next year when I move back to the Gold Coast and can drive to QR" its the best bang for buck option. I would not mind a skunk spacer and a z tube though for a little extra kick. I managed a 170rwkw run with nothing more than a nismo cat back on a hot Townsville summer day.
  21. can pay when you give me bank acc details is the $50 going to include postage?
  22. Yes il be in $50 for a flat pair for 2003 coup.
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