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180 wanabe

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Everything posted by 180 wanabe

  1. all done, all good car sounds normal @ idel no new noises or anything hardest part of the service was undoing all the bolts that hold on the plastic undertray cover on, noticed that im missing about 3 of them Got to love oil filters dont dont have drain back valves... the "Auto Land" one that was on the car must have been on when it came over from japan Only thing i forgot to do was buy a new copper crush washer so I reused the old one.... so far so good going to go for a strap now
  2. ok well iv picked up my oil paid $65 for it, noticed i could have gone the castrol edge 5w 30 for $55 picked up a Z445, no one in Townsville keeps stock of the K&N oil filter for the VQ35 although autobarn can order me one in so maybe next oil change ill give that a go picked up some jack stands letting the car cool down for a hour before I start to work on it
  3. funk the Motul 300v I like my v35 but I dont make love to it...... not for the price of it anyway, maybe if I owned a R35 but then again if I could own a R35 then 300v would not be a problem
  4. last time i bought a nissan filter for my 180sx "took z445 not a z442 cus of the engine re-build" the filter nissan gave me was smaller in size than the ryco one. Now one would think that larger surface area = better filtering for longer. Ill check out auto barn see if they have the K&N one. I will also look into this Motul 300V
  5. if ur zhust has rust it might be because you car was a snow car where they put salt on the road to help melt the snow...
  6. I asked a q about what oil to use when I first got my V and the correct oil is 5 w 30 apparently however because I live up in Townsville where the weather is anywhere between 5 to 40 deg I should also be able to run the 10w 40 interesting enough on the nulon.com.au website i put in 350z and it listed the oils they stocked from 1 to 5 and the 10 w 40 was 2nd on their list after 5 w 30
  7. hmm skunk2 seems a bit more easy to install
  8. I did a search on SAU and the oil filter that came up was a Z445 (3.5 L) If i remember right thats the same filter used on a SR20 I also did a quick search on google and there seem to be a few different answers with people saying that some filters were crap cus they were made of cardboard etc and other ones were better? peoples thoughts? I'm also going to use synthetic Nulon 5w-30 or 10w-40 depending on what I can get the better price on
  9. well considoring FPV makes one of the more powerfull production turbo L6 engines in the world, one could only think that the owners of such cars would be more self respecting than those driving GMs bread and butter small blocks.... If i didint't buy a V35 then a XR6 turbo would have been on the cards for me
  10. Anyone notice that a lot more older people check out your V35? im 24 myself I mean sure it gets plenty of looks from the 15 to 30 yr old age group, but I seem to have a lot more in the 40 to 60 year old age group coming up and asking me about what it is or checking it out as I drive by
  11. well id have to admit that a Joe falcadoore driver would think that a V35 4 door would look like a new maxima due to their lack of knowledge
  12. um considoring everything is in jap with my TV screen what should i be looking for with this service reminder??
  13. good thing i left my battery hooked up when I went on my 3 week OS holiday, maybe try a ecu reset?
  14. hope u come out feeling like a new man
  15. If your doing track days a lot then yeah I can see what you mean
  16. As for a car making max power all the time after owning a very quick 180sx in the past, I personaly just dont see the point. I had 300+rwkw in that car but using that power all the time was just stupid unless it was @ the track, or if Iwas feeling lucky with the cops. For me the V35 is a nice daily driver with more than enough power stock for driving around town @ 60kph. But every now and again its nice to put ur foot down coming onto that hwy onramp to get up to 110kph or to go to the drags and do that 1/4 mile run. But thats only 2% of the time your driving the car getting the bottel filled these days isint that much of a problem unless you plan on using the NOS all day every day. Heck even up here in Townsville there are a couple of places that do refills so I guess you lucky people in metro areas will have even more choices just my 2 cents LOL @ your idea of purging the entire tank to make the cops happy might not be that safe up here in FNQ cus all the "locals" might get a wiff and follow my car around everywhere
  17. something funny i found was that suncorp would not insure my V35 skyline because I am 24 and not 25. Even though its not a turbo... bunch of tards I found that Just cars was best for my 180sx but I only did 3rd party cus full comp was stupid, For the V35 I found NRMA to be the best
  18. i dont know about WA but in QLD if you have coloured lights on your car you can get defected...
  19. well fortunatly V35s dont seem to even register with cops @ the moment, as long as you havent painted it some crazy colour and dumped it on its tits with 22" spinners or something. As for showing the cops its not hooked up, just make sure youv used up the bottle before they pull u over lol... officer theres no gas in the bottel
  20. i think thats funny as hooking up a 100 shot to a rental car maybe not the smartest though
  21. If i thought that V35's looked like garbage I would not have bought one... ease up tiger
  22. Just found this might be an interestin option http://www.superstreetonline.com/techartic...rous/index.html
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