So, Thursday night cattle class at the 9.00pm session, meet at 8.45pm in the foyer. I will wear a white carnation and be smoking a pipe. The phrase will be, "you have a lovely ass" and the reply will be, "thank you, I work out."
Off to bed..... Mummy is coming over tomorrow to help me pack some more!!
Moving some of my stuff on Sunday and the Mini-movers are coming Tuesday. Better get my finger out!!
I would Col, but I only have the rears on as the fronts need bigger spacers than were supplied!! I still think they look hot, but a few people have said they liked my old rims better???
Wait until they are all on and the car is painted!!!!
Another great night! Warner Tavern has a KILO of BBQ pork spare ribs!! Done in a BBQ/plum/chilli sauce that is fantastic!!
The R/C drift was great and I still want to do it, but it is very expencive!!
I was drawn on by the same stripper as Andy, but my tattoos are real!!
Some have seen all four, but some resist the temptation and just want to see the readily visible ones..... SOFT!!!
Dinner is at the Warner Tavern, Everest Street, Warner, QLD, 4500
7pm!! Steak!!!!!!!
The R/C racing is on Strathwyn St at Brendale (just off Leitchs Road)
The wheels look fantastic. Just have to get larger spacers to clear the front brakes. They sent 5mm spacers and I need at least 7mm. Andy has some 10mm ones so I will grab them sometime either tonight or tomorrow and it will look sweet for the cruise on Friday (except for the paint......)
So Andy, the only reason you aren't coming tonight is because your car is in pieces??
Dammit!! I need advice and you were going to give it!!!
Come on, how come everyone pikes when the dinner is on my side of town.............
I just wanted to have dinner close to the R/C stuff so I could watch some of that.