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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. Posted in the events section but with it being today I thought I would mention it here. Going to Victoria Park Golf Course to use the driving range at 4.30pm. Just for a laugh and because I am playing in a competition tomorrow so I need the practice!!
  2. I'm heading down to the Victoria Park Golf Course and using their driving range at about 4.30pm today (Sunday the 11th) All welcome, good for a laugh. They will have some clubs for those without too. Cost is about $10 for the bucket of balls. Don't know what they charge for clubs. Dave
  3. OMG a broken GTR!!! I am shocked!!!
  4. So........ how was it??
  5. Series 1.5's are a pain as the engine is a mix of both and if something breaks, you have to work out if it is series 1 or 2??
  6. Nice rims too, they really set of a 32 of this vintage.
  7. Yeah, I see a lot of Series 1 bits on the car including the lights and rear "Skyline" garnish plate. A pic of the engine would be good too. That is a good price for the car with all the inclusions, but it looks like a series 1.
  8. Any idea on what you want for it?? Not listing a price is just going to invite some stupid offers. While I am interested, I don't want to upset you and ask too low a price. Please, a ballpark figure?? PM me if you like. Dave
  9. I got a solid 8 hours sleep and feel great but somehow like I wasted time??
  10. "Wife aggro"??? Too late!!!
  11. Going to bed...... 2 red bulls didn't even dent the tiredness. See you all online tomorrow!!
  12. No no no...... maybe....... Just want to see how it is done. Have no mechanical ability whatsoever and would like to learn some rudimentary skills.
  13. Over 450k's of cruising in the last 24 hours...... will pass on this one. Hope you all have a good time and don't get into trouble!!
  14. In!!! (I have no life......)
  15. Yeah, I would like to watch/help out as I've never watched this phenomenon before.
  16. See now, I like Ian because he spells correctly. He makes an effort and that impresses the heck out of me. All you other lazy bastards take note!! Although he did "attempt" to hit me with a Mountain Dew bottle last night.... My ninja skills are strong!!
  17. Yes Andy and thank you for waking me up!! Can't get back to sleep so I am forced to surf the net and post up shite like this. If it isn't Anna waking me up with barfing noises, it is you SMS'ing me!! Then again, hate to miss out on any shenanigans!! See you this afternoon......
  18. Was wondering why heist33 left?? We were all over looking at the cars and we watched you circle the group and then leave. What was said?? Was a great night! Glad that BP was open!! A few rules for cruises, always start the night on a full tank!! Secondly, and no disrespect intended, all Hilux utes AT THE REAR OF THE CRUISE!! Going THAT slow through the twisty bits is no fun!! Any drunk chicks who are willing to show us their boobies are to be encouraged at all times!! Man I am tired though......
  19. Nope, just dropping off a friend. You do remember what they are Michael?? Emo's don't count either. I read your forum and while that is a nice picture of me, does the sig have any meaning I should know about?
  20. Yeah, but Dave is wondering if it should be spelled "doodie".......
  21. Damn!!! What did Richo do to get the 30kw gain?? I know he is good, he is the only guy I let touch my car!! And he has huge deals on Haltech's in December!!
  22. Shane, you don't get it because you are a doody-head.
  23. This one is going to run for about 5 hours so bring a hat, sunscreen and a chair!! Should be a great event!!
  24. Allstar Tuning at Zillmere!!
  25. I can't believe I have the day off, and yet I am the first to post on this beautiful day!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!
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