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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. Stay well clear of that dude Bryn, he is a tool!! You should have seen his performance at the SCC06!! Says he lost the front bar when he hit a dog!!
  2. Nope, wasn't me, but after SCC06, I now know there are about 4 identical silver R33 series 2's around!! My plates are the only difference with a couple of them.
  3. Just do a search for the Wild the sphincter of the universe Free Poker Tournament. They have got most of the country covered.
  4. In, as usual. Any T-shirt requests??
  5. Yeah, but what if the powers in Australian Motor Racing allowed the Skyline to stay in the races??? Are you saying they would have stuck with the R32 or gone on to replace it with the R33 and eventually the R34???? I think so, and they would have gotten better and better.
  6. Hahahahah "Pot, this is kettle, over!"
  7. A good friend of mine just told me about a black R33 that tailgated him along Ipswich Road and actually tried to pass on the inside of the turnoff to Wacol (Aron was on his way to work) Aron avoided the fool and then when the idiot latched onto his rear again, he touched the brakes. When stopped at the Wacol Station lights the tosser in the Black R33 actually got out of his car and approached my friend. Aron got out of his car, in uniform, and told the idiot, "You better get back in your car or I will flog you senseless in front of your girlfriend." Thankfully the idiot did as he was told. You don't want to mess with Aron, he is the nastiest guy I work with and I am so glad he is my friend!!
  8. You went on a Boostcruising cruise!!!!!
  9. I am soooooo tired........ What a great day!! I would like to really thank Ben and his girlfriend Kadee, for their tireless efforts on the BBQ and drinks conveyer belt. Karen and Anna for their excellent work in selling stuff!! Col and Renee for their efforts at cleaning (even if he was only showing off in public, hey Renee??) Andrew and Shane for doing what they do best....... And of course Marc who actually got roped into doing something!! Way to go Karen!! Cannot wait until next year and hopefully word will still be around of how good this event was and we can have even more cars involved. One comment I read was that we needed a cruise where everyone could be rolling on the same piece of road. I would have like to arrange that as well, but any large cruise will break apart unless you start and finish on a highway which is impossible. Suggestions will be greatfully accepted for next year. Hope to see you all at our smaller events and Tuesday dinners. Dave P.S. Max, please delete that first photo of my wild swing which exposed my large gut!!
  10. Now........ have I forgotten anything????? Oh well...... destination is only 10 minutes from my house....... Ooops!! Nearly gave away the surprise!!
  11. Hey Eddie, I thought you said you were going to read what you wrote before you posted????
  12. Because you can't miss it!!! The bloody thing burns retinas!!!
  13. Jason is a s**t!!!!!!
  14. I already play in a weekly tournament which has free entry. These are sponsored by Wild the sphincter of the universe and are a great night. Blinds go up every 15 minutes so it isn't too late a night. Depending on the venue, some prizes are on offer for the top 3 players. My venue, Club Bunya, has about 50 players on a Monday night. Skylines Rock!!!!
  15. Me loves Castelli's and am in!!!!
  16. Spotted my own car on the back of a tow truck after track day.
  17. Diddums...... poor widdle Jasey-wasey. Track Day!!!!!!!!
  18. Hmmmmmm, the usual suspects and the special guests!! Should be a great dinner!!!
  19. I am loving my M80!!! Some dickhead was looking in my car window while I was playing poker tonight and got the fright of his short life when the alarm blipped at him until he moved away!!
  20. There were no photos at the final destination of the Crawl. Strippers don't like that!! Lets just say that if Jason needs a lift anywhere, it is because he has NO money left for fuel!!!
  21. You all got gypped!! Squizz are a free upgrade when a purchase of over 50 cents is made at any St Vinnies or other 2nd hand store!!
  22. I have partaken of the Car Wash in question today and the service and quality were top-notch. Have paid $20 just for a wash in the past but this place, for $33, did a brilliant job in detailing the interior and the car looks great on the outside too. (Except where I really need to have it re-painted.....) The people there are car enthusiasts and one of the managers owns a Series 2 R33. He is hopeful of getting some discounts for SAU members in the future. Stay tuned!!
  23. See you there Paul!! Are you getting breakfast or just using this as a meeting point?? Dave
  24. After last night at the Pub Crawl, there is very little any of you could make me visualize that will ever make me cringe again. You are all FREAKS and I am so happy to be one too.
  25. Me too Jason. Will be showering at one of our fine members houses and then on to Dinner.
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