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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. I know, not a real redhead... But who really cares??????
  2. John Pesch, Eug, etc...
  3. Charlie... sad little man... But a great target on here!!! Of course Squizz, cannot forget Squizz who has gone to the darkside and has forgotten his Skyline roots... And Col... Who can forget Col!!!
  4. Well, Beau, your memory is just as sharp as ever... What about Bunta??? You cannot have Impact Blue without Bunta!!!!!!! And what about Revhead??
  5. Morning!!!! Stupid cold... Breathing is overated anyway...
  6. I am in but not sure if I have already paid??? Any chance of a list please????
  7. Wow, just wow...
  8. Miss you Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Anna posted!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!! Need hugs Anna!!
  10. picsorban!!!!!!!
  11. Good morning!!! Home from work... Bloody cold!!! Lovely sleeping weather...
  12. I am going to stick with more realistic options and what I can lay my hands on. Glock 22 (40cal) taking spares too for those less fortunate to have an armoury at their disposal. 5000 rounds of ammo Remington 870 shotgun, again, spares for those in need. About 500 rounds so use them wisely Houligan Tool (look it up...) I have two... Sadly, the Holden Rodeo, but it is fully armoured and runs on diesel. Room for two people.
  13. Geebus I hope Anna hacked your account...
  14. Sorry Ben, I am not "unhappy" with the move back here, in fact I find it funny that even though we have moved back here, we still have 2 whoretowns... Kind of defeats the purpose??? I was not trying to accuse any individual of nefarious doings, I just know that we were assured that the old site would stay "read only" for a while, and I appreciated that so I could grab some stuff that was important to those of us who have been around longer than 5 minutes. Tony, I attend as many events as I can, it is just that with 12 hour shifts, a 3 year old daughter and a car that costs a fortune to run, I pick and choose, as is my right. And I have sat in your chair before... I was President and filled various other positions on the Executive for several years. I also organised the Charity Cruise for 4 years straight. I decided after so many years at the front of the line that it was time for those who whinged the most to stand up and be counted. That was 3 years ago when most of you hadn't even heard of this club. Ben, I am sorry if you feel slighted in any way, and to be honest, I didn't realise it was you, but I dislike these people who don't even take the time to walk up and shake my hand, to then criticize my posts at every turn. I have done the hard yards and I think I deserve some respect. If any of you reading this doubt my longevity, have a look at my user info and see how long I have been a member of not only this forum, but the club.
  15. See... made you smile...
  16. Rhinorebel

    Dave's Car Photos

    Car photos
  17. Rhinorebel

    R33 GTS-T S2

    From the album: Dave's Car Photos

    Just had a bath and looking pretty...
  18. Rhinorebel


    From the album: Dave's Car Photos

    My V36 Coupe.
  19. I love your post count Andy!!!!!
  20. Well, that escalated quickly... You guys are in charge... I just felt some idea of what was going on would have been nice... And your keyboard warrior status is intact. Face to face, I think you will all fold like Martin's condom...
  21. I for one dislike Haltech!!!! I had an e11V2 and after a whole 18 months it had an issue and when contacted, Haltech said they no longer provide service for my particular model as they have moved on to the Platinum range. The guy even went on to try and sell me one!!! After sales service is very dodgy. A mate sent his ecu back to them with an issue and it was returned with a hole drilled through it and a note to say they couldn't fix it... I now have a Wolf ecu and couldn't be happier!!!
  22. Ok, why is the old site address linking straight to SAU??? I thought the idea was to leave it read only for a while and then shut it down??? It looks like it has started already... You guys say one thing but do something else... Sounds way too familiar!!! I'm out of here!!!
  23. What happened to leaving the old site "read only" for a while??? Linking it directly to here is very sneaky... I wanted to see what the last posts were!!! It has started already, say one thing, do another...
  24. If you are on the Northside then I would highly recommend Richard at Allstar Tuning and Performance at Brendale.
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