Sorry Ben, I am not "unhappy" with the move back here, in fact I find it funny that even though we have moved back here, we still have 2 whoretowns... Kind of defeats the purpose???
I was not trying to accuse any individual of nefarious doings, I just know that we were assured that the old site would stay "read only" for a while, and I appreciated that so I could grab some stuff that was important to those of us who have been around longer than 5 minutes.
Tony, I attend as many events as I can, it is just that with 12 hour shifts, a 3 year old daughter and a car that costs a fortune to run, I pick and choose, as is my right. And I have sat in your chair before... I was President and filled various other positions on the Executive for several years. I also organised the Charity Cruise for 4 years straight. I decided after so many years at the front of the line that it was time for those who whinged the most to stand up and be counted. That was 3 years ago when most of you hadn't even heard of this club.
Ben, I am sorry if you feel slighted in any way, and to be honest, I didn't realise it was you, but I dislike these people who don't even take the time to walk up and shake my hand, to then criticize my posts at every turn. I have done the hard yards and I think I deserve some respect. If any of you reading this doubt my longevity, have a look at my user info and see how long I have been a member of not only this forum, but the club.