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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. I am off to work now........ Damn crims....... why can't they count themselves at night??? It isn't like any of them have the balls to escape....... any hole in the fence and they would scream that the public can get at them for committing their crimes!!!! Anyway, work tonight so that I can "crawl" Saturday night!!
  2. "The winners will not be announced until the night!" OOOPS!!!
  3. OMG, Liz, you arean't a .......... cat person are you!!!!!!!!!
  4. And I believe I may have won the quiz already!!
  5. I would like the TV but $400 is too steep for a 62cm tv.
  6. Off to buy dog food ingredients. Cooking dog food all day FTW......NOT!! BBL
  7. On your RC car maybe Dan!!!
  8. What rhino comments?? Don't make me read all the way back there....
  9. Hey Patrick! Just in time for the Skyline Charity Cruise. For details find the thread in the events section. All welcome and we are hoping to get 100+ Skylines on this cruise to aid the Starlight Foundation.
  10. Was that the yellow 32 directly across from us Andy?? That car was sweet!!
  11. I'm back Anna, but I'm fading fast..... bed is calling to me. Seems us old men need a long time to recover from some things....... Plus I am now the Club Champion of my Golf Club. Played matchplay this morning still full from too much pizza but played pretty well to win on the 16th hole!! Then once I had won I played very badly!!
  12. Hey Jamie, is your boss back from OS yet?? Really need to get my paint fixed!!
  13. Sorry mate but no one other than the Club Executive and the organisers will know the destination prior to the event so that everyone has to come to the meeting point at Aspley. Not trying to be sneaky or mean, just want everyone to be in one place for the briefing instructions. In past years, people have just driven to the destination and waited for us to arrive. What fun is that??
  14. WAKE UP!! It is after 11am over here!! Walking around Wellington and found a nice, cheap internet cafe. At the hotel it is $5 for half and hour, here it is $4 for and hour and printing is 20cents.
  15. Even from NZ, I am IN!!!!!!!!
  16. A Jager Bomb involves a shot of Jagermeister and Red Bull, not vodka!! Heathens........
  17. And if he is not out the front, it is the door on the right of 29 Finchley St. (up the stairs!!) Driveway is NOT Skyline friendly unless maximum caution is used....
  18. I'm off too!! See those of you on the Executive tonight and those of you NOT on the Executive tomorrow night at Cactus Jacks!!!
  19. NO!!!! Only the organisers and MAYBE the exec will know the FINAL destination!!
  20. Got it John, thanks for that. Long story but it seems her lawyers were a bit over-zealous and decided to push a bit harder than my ex wanted them to. Will see what happens.
  21. Forget Lee, I'm the one you have to worry about!!
  22. Yeah, come on Karen, name your tormentor and we will hold him/her down and let Anna Splayd him/her!!!!!
  23. Hey John, I just read your times at Willowbank. Aren't they a little slow for the speed achieved?? I mean, I got a 13.7 @ 100.89MPH. Just wondering if you fluffed the start or got wheel spin??
  24. Just so I can partake in this little shindig, a lot of the youthful offenders I look after are in the same situation as Bryn but their parents said no to any money, so they stole instead knowing full well that their rich parents would get them a good lawyer and get them off the first couple of charges. Then they look for a bigger thrill and add a gun to the equation and really end up in jail. That is where they are absolutely out of their depth and realise how stupid they are!! Bryn, if they are giving you a free ride, appreciate it. If you boast about it on here, people who are forced to do menial shite for a living will resent you.
  25. Yeah, even though I have to be up at 4am to catch a flight to NZ, I will be there!! (What happened to the Regatta??)
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