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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. Yeah, me in a mantard, lightly oiled and posing in a provocative non-ghey way!!
  2. Yeah!! Anyone mentions the Franklin Mint and I'm gonna open an industrial sized can of whoop tushi!!!
  3. I am off to OKIES!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Mmmmmmmm Breasts and double breasts at that!! And Dave-o, enough of the old man stuff........ I am ageless!
  5. Hey, just asking for clarification lady, no need to get all I need to know these things
  6. OK, let me be more specific. I need to know what kind of food also, and travelling time from the inner Northside
  7. Small question Anna, what makes you think Fergus is a "Mexican Pirate"?????
  8. OK, I need suggestions for lunch. I'm hungry and I want to go for a drive......
  9. Show us ya bits!!! Sorry, macro lens is out of order..... forget the bits
  10. Oops, Dave is here too. Mornin' Dave
  11. Wow, just woke up and I am alone in here with Squizz and Nismogirl!! What an honour. (Genuflection is a given) I am now officially on Holidays (due to the fact that I will NOT be attending work tonight due to sore eyes (Cannot see myself coming in!!)
  12. All well and good to be happy about the Koolaid, but WHERE IS MY CAKE!!!! I want Hello Kitty Cake!!!! Don't hold out on me..... I know you probably ate it all, but I was promised cake.....
  13. No, you misunderstood. I own my car, not my Boss!!!!
  14. Karen, send me an SMS when you get down the Coast as we are camping down there and I want to have a quick look at the Auto Salon before breaking camp and driving back to Brisvegas, washing the car and getting ready for the Monday Cruise!!
  15. Well I'm not coming all the way over to Springwood just to drive to Bribie, so there better be a Northside meet!!
  16. Yes Karen, I am now the proud owner of 207rwkw!!!! Due to a decent set of plugs, bloooooody cold temperature and a little tweeking of the fuel maps on the Haltech (love my Haltech) All this without touching the turbo or fuel system!!!! I wonder if Col will read this.......... And Benno!! Go the Haltech man!!!!
  17. Nice car!! Sorry I can't buy it but I do recognise the car park where the pics were taken. Do you live nearby?? That is about 6 minutes from my place (out in the bush)
  18. I must ask the obvious question then...... Why are you here??
  19. Anna, are you going to bring me some cake tonight????? I want to tell people I ate some "Hello Kitty" cake.
  20. Probably so some of us older citizens can get home to bed at a reasonable hour. Not all of us live nearby. And yes, you will have to buy food!! (Or bring your own goodies hidden carefully in your nether regions.)
  21. Done Deal!!!! Time to lay the smack down!!!
  22. Yep, my clientelle!! Toothless gorms who steal, as is there god-given right!!!! (Teeth optional)
  23. Well, I did sfa today and will play golf tomorrow before going all out at the "Dinner" tomorrow night!! I will have one of everything thank you!!
  24. Well, if we can do this then we need to hurry as I am hoping to get my personalized plates for Christmas!!!
  25. That is a very good price for what you are getting!! Have a look around and make sure you check the flow rates as these are pretty much the best around. I think they usually go for around the $540 mark.
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