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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. Would like to include my BETTER half also please Ben. (Mrs Rhinorebel??)
  2. Hey Anna, do you work in town???
  3. What secret 'stuff' are you speaking of....... does it magically produce M&M's out of the glovebox at times of need???
  4. I believe the M&M's were the cause of the said "stack" and should be forfeited to........ me, for immediate consumption so as to render them safe for the public at large. And I cannot believe how close your head came to hitting the brick wall, although I also believe you could take the brick wall in a 2-outta-3 falls type match-up. Your forehead is a mighty foe!!
  5. Manufactured Meat ftw!!!!! (SPAM) Followed by green m&m's for desert.
  6. Isaac, I went through almost the same mod path you are doing, and had the same problems. As soon as you raise the boost and start to push the ecu, save for a good replacement. As you know, I went for the Haltech E11V2 and it is worth every cent!! Any problems are easily diagnosed via laptop and changed easily as well. Lots more fuel mapping points than the Power FC too so it is a smooth power curve!! The strangest result was that the car has 40 more rwkw but is 3 decibels quieter!!
  7. So Karenzor, know any real racers???
  8. Don't worry Smooth, the pain is minimal and they give you enough heavy duty painkillers to last a month and you only need them for 2 days tops. The REAL worry is if your wife/partner has a camera and takes a photo of you just as you wake up with a hot pink wraparound ice pack on your head and gauze hanging out of your mouth!!! And if you smoke, you pay!!!! (As you should...... all smokers should die!!)
  9. We had another visit after you guys left!! Different bike cop but same attitude which was refreshing. He explained the situation well and was good to talk to. Glad we didn't tear up the mountain though!!
  10. Have to thank Anna for the best laugh today!! "Kick her in the snapper and steal her M&M's" Absolute gold!!!!! Love your work Anna!! Hugs for you anytime!!
  11. You can't choose your relatives but you can pick your friends. Words to live by. If you choose to be here, then embrace all who post up! If they piss you off, then treat them like a relative, see them rarely and speak to them in short sharp sentences. Gifts are optional.
  12. In!!!!! Which cinema???? Are we talking Garden City or Indooroopilly???
  13. And fuel cost 28cents per litre in those days!! Yes, I admit it, I am old!!
  14. Oh yeah, got my licence from the local cops on Bribie Island who I had been driving home from parties at my parents house since I was forteen. I turned up for my test and they shit!!! Did it in a truck and passed after a 25 minute test that was very harsh as he made me do some hard stuff in the truck!!!
  15. Condolances to the girl's family, but I have to question the reports into what the Police said they were doing. If he didn't stop at a RBT (even one being run by two officers in a squad car) how come they didn't communicate there pursuit to base? They said they didn't have time?? Crap! They were probably chasing this car for a few minutes and were enjoying the rush of the chase and when it went pear shaped they panicked and broadcast a story to cover their asses!! It was stupid to run, but you tend to run faster when chased!!
  16. Sorry guys, the reason I mentioned Wintersun is that I am going there for the whole 4 days!! Fantastic weekend!! Unless the missus gets sick of it early??? May see you all after all....
  17. With what he has been charged with, he could do more time than a manslaughter charge. Unlikely but it has happened before!
  18. The word you are looking for is nineteen, you scallywag. And I saw the Donkeykong comment too!!!
  19. Was a pretty good day, watched John's car spin the dyno and we compared his two sheets from the same dyno, before and after Matty Spry had a go at it. Very good torque gain!! Car of the day though was a Ford Courier ute who even had a piece of his stainless work on the back for delivery. Richo asked him if he could dyno it (Richo knew something the rest of us didn't) Fired up on the dyno and this thing was a BEAST!!! Turns out the little four banger was tossed in favour of a quad cam Lexus V8, turboed and a 150hp shot of nitrous!!!! Didn't get ANY traction whatsoever but it sounded unreal!! Had a look under the bonnet when he came off and it is a tight fit but what a sleeper!! Work ute that with good rubber will pull a 11 second pass!!
  20. Mine worked perfectly, just don't need an AFM at all now!!!!!!
  21. Yes please Paul!! As Jason says, there is a shake up involved!!
  22. On my way now!! This is a huge day and there is a lot more going on as well!! Go and have a look!!
  23. Read further Ska!! There is a lot more fuel/flight money in here!!
  24. In and 10 bucks for Ska!! I will put money in to fly him down if enough are interested?? Knowing his luck a curb will jump out and hit his Stagea and the trip will be a bust after we paid for his petrol anyway!! Man has no luck!! You should see him play poker!! And I support any R33skyliner non-attendance!! The boy is a cop magnet with his antics!!
  25. $22000 (and I agree with the Aussie car comments!! Build quality is shite!)
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