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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. Read the date on the Topic you numbnut.!.! (You meant him didn't you Mark???)
  2. Yay Arbess!!! A GTR owner who gets it!!! Doesn't discriminate and doesn't judge. A Skyline is a Skyline. I hate hearing that crap about how us 'poor' GTS-T owners need to earn more money to get a GTR!! I Chose the GTS-T for my own reasons, and judging by the amount GTR owners have to spend to make more power, it is a clear cut win to the GTS-T crowd. There are more of us and there always will be, so get along or don't, your elitism is unwarranted and sad. Sorry to all those GTR owners who do socialise with us, but most don't want to.
  3. I have a 2005 VY II Commodore, white in colour. 40000k's. Wife hates it because A. it is an auto B. it is a great white whale. Nice comfy car Squizz??????
  4. I'm in. And my nuts are not numb at this time......
  5. These bits and pieces are still for sale!!
  6. I have a Series 2 AFM in perfect condition. But it is a series 2!!
  7. Is the BOV a plumb back type?? And I am interested in the airbox and snorkel. Package price??
  8. YOU LEAVE BENJITO ALONE!!!!! He is the centre of my universe and I will not have you sully his reputation with vile inuendo.
  9. Oh, you mean Squizz!! Sorry, I was talking about another person entirely...... really...... don't mind me, the medication was too expensive and the girl at the chemist said there was a "generic brand" that was much cheaper....... just wish the spiders would stay under my skin when I shut my eyes.....
  10. You are all conspiracy theorists gone mad!! Squizz (El Presidenta') has gone underground to avoid a massive coup-de-ta by the unfaithful, led by John (R33Skyliner) who is ready to assume any and all positions on the Executive and lead us all into the promised land (250rwkw for all!!) Anyone wishing to donate to the "Save the Squizz" Foundation may give to a bank, any bank, as they are all bloodsucking scum anyway.
  11. Yep, all of us fresh from track day!!!! That traffic was stupid. Someone needs to look at those lights and their peak hour sequencing!!!!!! Hate Jubilee Terrace at that time of day!!
  12. What et on the quarter Shane???? Am looking at going out again soon to see the improvement after fitting the Haltech!
  13. Q 1. Yes Q 2. Yes A whole page dedicated to series 2's!!!! Dave
  14. That is an awesome vid, but did you notice..... no sports cars??? Unless you count the 'big' 250cc bikes!!
  15. You absolute champions!! Wish I wasn't working or I'd be up there to see you all!! Great job and I see that the overcooked little man looks like he is smarter than dad already!!!! He has the face of a 28 year old man!! Such intelligence must come from Jaime's side of the equation??? Well done! Dave and Andrea
  16. Yeah, me too!! Am taking spare wheels again but have to swap fronts for rears today. As I found out at skidpan, my new rear tyres have great grip while my shitty fronts are crap and need to go on the rear to be destroyed so that I can validate the need to replace them!! What tools are you packing Jason?? I always seem to not take the stuff I eventually need. Last time it was wire and zip ties!!
  17. Have sent you a PM Col. Offer still stands!! Have washed the car and everything........ well the outside is clean. I am a pig and after several days at work I have accumulated some clutter!!
  18. Anyone need a navigator?? Have some success in similar events. Dave
  19. Hey Col, if you need a lift I have an empty car. But I will be having a fairly early night as I start work on Friday morning at 5am. We need your camera skills!! PM your address if you are keen. Dave
  20. Yep, Gateway is best from either direction except if you live directly west of the place!! Then Rode Road and then past Toombul Shoppingtown.
  21. I am truly sorry it came to this Erin. I know how you feel and now I am at an age where I can afford these types of cars, I won't allow anything to come between my goal to own a car I am happy to drive to work in but can also be taken out and spanked every so often. You are more than welcome to get a fix now and then with my car if you wish. Dave
  22. This is true Ben, and as such, I now have a new clutch and will read better now so hopefully the full potential of my mods will be revealed. This all depends if the car survives the track day on Tuesday.....
  23. Ben, all the jails in Brisbane are at Wacol. But there are jails at Borallon (on Esk Road) and at Woodford. We also have Prison Farms at Palen Creek (Beaudesert) and Numinbah (Gold Coast hinterland) There are also Work Release houses all over the city. Could be one in your street and you wouldn't realise. The jails in wacol are the privately run Arthur Gorrie CC and the Government run Wolston and Womens jails. Here endeth the lesson.....
  24. Well, he's not in my jail so I don't care much other than he is his own worst enemy. Lets hope he learned something inside. (other than not to drop the soap!!)
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