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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. And the prize goes too................ No one!! Turns out one of the tyres was about to pop!! Being some cheap shite from assbang indonesia, they couldn't take our Aussie heat and there were 6 bulges on the inside of the tyre wall all about 4 cm's wide. So, 2 new tyres on the back and we will keep an eye on the front ones. Got some decent tyres this time, Firestone Firehawks. $500 for the two fitted and balanced so not too bad. Have kept the old tyres as I may take them back as they were only 5 months old.
  2. OK, I need to draw on the collective experience on here! Put my car on a dyno this morning to try and diagnose a miss high in the revs. Anyway, the problem is that now the back of the car vibrates and almost bounces at speed. It was suggested at Chilleh tonight that the CV joints might be the culprit, but there is no vibration through the gearstick or steering wheel. All seat of the pants big-time vibration! Could the dyno have spun the tyres and put out the balance so much as to cause the massive vibration?? Any suggestions are appreciated. Dave
  3. What was the date again Paul?? If car fixed, and off duty that day, could be in!! Dave
  4. Oh yeah, what about the Willowbank times?? Did I forget to mention them??
  5. One lap your time was better than mine. Most laps, you were behind by 2+ seconds. A rematch is in the cards soon. Patience little man, all good things for those who wait. (GTR is on the docks! )
  6. Yes...... Normal Southside meeting place, therefore, too far south.
  7. I like it, but where??
  8. I disagree Michael! You have just finished a major power upgrade if the bits you are selling are any indication. Having spent some money doesn't make you a better driver, it just makes the car faster!! Putting two drivers in the same vehicle is the best way to judge ability. Unless the people know what your car is able to do, they will think YOU are better, not just poorer for having spent dollars on your car!!!! KW tells most of the story.
  9. I think I recognise the building??? If so, I hope Mick didn't try to put his stickers on the car?? And as everyone else has asked..... HOW MUCH and can we all have one??
  10. I don't see why not. Just not too far south as us Northsiders need a break occassionally.
  11. Yeah Erin, Andrea thinks I'm waisting my time waving madly at every Skyline I see, but I am determined to get more people involved in their cars if it kills me. A simple wave is not a lot to ask, is it???
  12. Thought I saw Gordo/Predator in Greenslopes at about 1.45am this morning..... Looked like him with the ever present baseball cap in a darkish 32.
  13. I spotted a bright yellow Vespa scooter with large black lettering both front and back which said "SKA" His fans are everywhere........ sick freaks!!
  14. I vote for No.3. They are a good match and have the added bling of the stainless inlay on the outer edge. Just be careful as this inlay is soft as butter (I KNOW!)
  15. Well, I was there at 8.30pm exactly and circled all available carparks and only saw the red R33 that is always there (works in Dick Smiths??) So on leaving I am stopped at the lights and Col drives past in his lovely stealth yellow 'line and another unknown Skyline. Seemed to be a change of venue??? Well, if it is not on then fine, but some notice??
  16. Just park underneath!! At 8.30pm there should be a few (maybe) spots under the McDonalds carpark??
  17. If it raining like this tonight, you can forget the meet until the undercover carpark is free!! It is pissing down on the Northside!!
  18. Thursday sounds good. But someone remind me to set the recorder for Smallville!! What a perve!!!
  19. Allstar Tuning at Geebung. Did my big service and all other services, no complaints, fairly cheap, good advice given too.
  20. Yeah!! How much for the coil packs!! Always looking for coil packs!! Bidding war!!
  21. Paul is the one who maintains the Time Attack thread and organises the track days at QR. All details on the forums if you just have a bit of a look. Also organises the pizza nights to view all footage from previous track days (good for a laugh) also the best pizza in town!! All you can eat for $15.
  22. These are available as Paul organises these days and will place you in a group of like-ability people and cars. He runs a brilliant day and it is fairly cheap considering how many laps you get! But I still think we should start making Membership a must-have for some of these events. Otherwise the reasons for joining are diminished.
  23. I have done all the motorsports mentioned and didn't take any "backup." You just have to feel confident that your car is set up properly. As to the Skidpan and LVMA, I would pay double for the Skidpan, but I wouldn't want to do the LVMA again as it was too harsh on the tyres for the minimal time on track. While the Skidpan was very easy on the car (except the cleaning required afterward!) It is the best fun I have had in my car so far and as to some cars being too loud to participate, I feel sorry for the GTR's as they come standard too loud, but the rest of us knew there was a chance this would happen and now that we know, a temporary silencer is a small price to pay and you won't go over 3000rpm's anyway! The Skidpan would have to be one of the best teaching methods you could ever do. Sorry for the long post but I want SKIDPAN!!!
  24. All I can suggest is make a report to the cops and tell them that the security tapes will have the guy on it. But do it quick as these cheap-ass places re-use the tapes on a daily basis and will tape over the evidence today!!
  25. Is the Rhino a male or a female?? These are things I need to know....
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