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Everything posted by Rhinorebel

  1. OK, how did it happen?? Just blew?? Or was there some reason for it to blow (heavy right foot??) Dave
  2. Imagine that!! Kept doing laps until I thought I had seen all the Skylines and I just kept getting sidetracked by the fluff walking around. Having said that and already damned to hell for my actions, there were some girls wearing very little who shouldn't have!! Muffin central!!
  3. The other option is the old lipstick in the fuel tank one!! (my favourite) The lipstick disolves in the fuel tank but solidifies in the fuel lines!! Costly little problem to find and fix!! I know, I have a nasty mind..... Also, Campbell, where did you get the wheels as I had to wait 2 months for my 18's in the same Koya's. And have you scratched them yet?? 2 weeks and mine are buggered. The inlay is soft as butter!!
  4. I know it is beating a dead horse, but considering the number of GTS-T's agains't the GT-R's, they should do MORE on them as we are the ones buying from their advertisers and their mag. If I could afford a GT-R I would have bought one already! Rant over!!
  5. Yeah Mud, any help you need, just ask! That is why most of us are on here anyway. As a way to better our rides and socialise with like-minded people!
  6. Yes, this dude needs some impact counselling! And it is only a short drive for me!! Friend has a sure fire way to upset these type of people. You get some fish guts and prawns and other seafood and leave it in an airtight old esky way up the back yard in full sun. When reduced to a liquid, mix in some tile glue and plaster the mix all over his ride!! As it is tile glue, it remains fairly pliant and releases the smell for months!!
  7. New fun for the kids is dropping rocks off overpasses onto cars doing 100kmph. The rock landed right above my head and took the paint back to metal. If the fool had dropped the rock a millisecond earlier it would have come through the windscreen and hit me! Little pricks should be taken for a walk through a jail and have some of the more unsavoury characters give them a good............. talking to.
  8. The young lady in the Daewoo was a confirmed Shannon Noll fan and was overcome by his comparative nearness when her attempt at a FWD drift was witnessed by all. Poor girl needs some impact councelling for her affliction. Dave
  9. Spotted a black R34 on the south-east freeway this morning at about 11am. Plate was NSR-034. Needs to make up his mind!! I passed him 4 times!! He was either doing 130 or 90??? Playing tag with a commodore maybe?? Dave
  10. Sooooooo......... what is the link????? Dave
  11. Bayside Blue!!! Great colour on the later Skylines, but wasn't offered on the 32. Give it a look!!
  12. Saw a sh@tload at Mt Cotton today..... Must have been something on??
  13. So where do we all get one of these booklet thingys. Seems that it would be good insurance to carry one in the car with all relevant passages highlighted for ease of proof for the boys in blue.
  14. Bravo John!! The cops with even a passing interest in cars are pretty PO'ed at the traffic branch weenies who issue defects based on mood. They give the whole service a black eye. 90% of the cops I know are decent blokes who would be more interested in looking over your car to see how good a car it is. They are supposed to be looking for "blatantly unroadworthy vehicles" meaning the cars with rust holes and missing pieces.
  15. I'm Dave and my Skyline has been Australian for 19 months now.
  16. Was a good day thanks to the wind dying down!! Thanks to the club executive for the shade and drinks. Some beautiful cars and promo girls!! Our battle cry of "norks" was not intended to offend, just to get everyone looking in the correct direction.
  17. Yeah, the space saver is in there, although it wouldn't have helped without the tool kit that is supposed to be in there. Only the jack was there, no wheelbrace or jack handle. Took it back to the importer and he checked every Skyline he had and none had theirs either!! Seems they are a hot item in Japan????
  18. Two week old wheels, one bad day and a very old pebbled gutter. Shit!!
  19. Took me 6 months to find the ones I wanted, then a further 2 months to get them here. (2 weeks later, I scratched the crap out of one on a gutter!!) It always comes down to personal choice. What works for me definitely won't make a few happy, but who cares?? You are the one enjoying them the most. Dave
  20. Allstar Tuning and Performance are a Haltech dealer and have a good rep with me. Richo is very good with diagnosing misfires. Dave
  21. Yes, very nice kit. Both understated and aggressive at once! Nice clean car. I would combine an alarm and separate immobiliser as one backs up the other! Hidden switch immobilisers are cheap and good insurance while the alarm should deter idiots but not those in it for the money. If they want it, they will take it. I've seen many reports of thieves using flatbed tow trucks and just driving off with the car to play with the alarm at their leisure.
  22. Need to know where you will be at about 10.00pm so I can join up!! Footy training first!! May be a little stinky, but no-one is going to get THAT close?!?!?!? Dave :crazy:
  23. Hey Andrew, sorry I missed you. (you in the commodore??) Just finished footy and at 40, the trip home is a blur..... Dave :crazy: I saw rhinorebel along waterworks road And countless others I forget. Easy 10 skylines a day while I'm out and about, dang things are everywhere
  24. Looking for the complete automatic aerial. Any chance it is still for sale?? Dave
  25. Rhinorebel


    As to the Exhaust, Rob Bliss did my dump pipe and I bought a aftermarket exhaust from japan that was 3" stainless and pretty much a straight system including 3" cat. Some really good prices landed are on offer if you are prepared to look and wait. Dave
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