Ok, settle down the lot of you...
Looking at a mid-November date for reasons that will be explained later.
I have read and listened to all the arguments for and against with regard to length of cruise and numbers of cars. In trying to keep the majority happy, we are working on about a 90 minute drive from the start point to the destination. As usual, these details are kept quiet to prevent problems with fore mentioned "single pegger's"
The club will put on food and drinks as there is none at the destination. Swimming will be encouraged.
Not sure on a show and shine this year as the drive is long and the cars will attract bugs and dust on the road. (Don't worry... All bitumen!!!) We may just give out some prizes to great cars that can do anything?!?!?!?
Remember, the club organises fairly large events. There is nothing stopping anyone else organising a cruise at any time. If you build it, they will come...
We have skidpan days, drags and other events before the end of the year as well as the Annual General Meeting, where all the people who are unhappy and voicing their opinions are given the chance to step up and have a go at running the club... I look forward to the Usual Suspects showing up as usual.
Any questions about anything other than the route and destination, feel free to ask. Lots of Volunteers needed.