Driving through Sydney one day on my way into the city and I pulled up at a red light. No cars were around then as the lights went green, a 4WD full of Japanese people came up beside me and yelled out what we thought was "RACE US". The windows were down and me and my mate just looked at each other puzzled! I gassed it in 2nd gear to the next set of red lights and they turned green as i approached them
Hahaha, I'm thinking, what a tool in his V8 Landcruiser, go back to where my car came from. Then they came hooning up the side of me again and were abusing the shite out of us, wanting to race us again. They then proceeded to take a left turn into a side street.
I'm driving along asking myself what just happened, then it clicked. They didn't want to race me, they were calling me RACIST because my number plates are JAPCAR!