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Everything posted by fresh

  1. yeah if u wanna differentiaite, drive the car round for 1/2 hour to clean alll the water out of the exhaust, then see if it still smokes, or get a mate to drive behind u whilst u give it a bootfull, if it smokes then then u might have a problem
  2. when lowering my car did the wheels up kinda tightish whilst still in the air, lowered her back down and forgot to tighten then further, alas on the way to sydney the next day a severe rattling on the freeway at about 140, pulled into a servo cause i don't have a tyre brace, 3 nuts fell off as soon as i touched em, another 6 were so loose it wasn't funny, woulda been absolute disaster if a wheel had fallen off, haven't forgotten to tighten them ever again
  3. how mcuh r these things worth ???
  4. i've sourced a free set of r34 injectors for an RB25DET, just curious if they will fit into my r33 s1.5 RB25DET ??? also do they flow any diff, my current ones are currently very close to maxxing out and if this will give me a little headroom then it'll be worth it cause they r free cheers. btw. i am upgrading fuel pump and reg at same time mods: FMIC, 3" turbo back, PFC, bleeder(13psi), stocko turbo
  5. go to forced induction performance, u;d have better luck there
  6. u got an aftermarket thermostat in there ??? mine gets to max 80 deg on a hot day with a bit of a flog, mostly sits on about 75ish so yeah....
  7. does it offer manyt benefits ?
  8. guys it definitely a photochop, the supercharger is 'welded' onto a silicon joiner piece....... fake
  9. i figured the trac would be much stickier then it was, after getting sideways changing from 1st to 2nd, scared the life outta me
  10. most workshops can do a timing belt change easy as, i had the same problem, seemed to be coming rom the CAS, a little bit of lube and now its gone, try running th car for a bitand see what happens
  11. yeah ditto here, i noticed a massive improvement over stock when i fitted a bigger exhaust and yeah the bigger exhaust will relieve backpressure, not increase it
  12. whats wrong with the post office, i know the que can sometime be quite long but i've never had a prob with a parcel or letter or anything
  13. also interested in this, and the boost control solenoid and wiring if anyone has one
  14. just be careful i've watched my mate "rub" this shit off his courier and subsequently took a nice big flake of paint with it, but its a ford so i dunno
  15. hi just spent some $$$ and now i am having traciton problems thru 1st and 2nd gear, i've still got the stocko rims on it and don't have the money for a new set of wide 18's or sumthin right now, is there another way i can get my rims wider so they can fit bigger tyres and get me more traction ??? cheers
  16. hey all just got my pfc installed and after flogging it around for 3-4 days some of which have been 35+ days according to the pfc its only knocked once, the cars running 14 psi the injectors have seen 100% when wheelspinning and 99.6% under load, but yeah only 1 knock, i've heard heaps fo people say they experience 40 or less then that but for me to have only 1, is that right ??? cheers
  17. yeah sorry its a gts-t. do many other people have this problem, i don't really have $700 for injectors + pump + reg + everything else, i just don't have it, me tihnks lower boost will be only go for now but...how do u do this peak hold thing u speak of, is that where the little black boxes appear on the side which hold peak values ??? also, does anyone have a pfc manual, cause i have no idea how to read those graphs, and is there anyway to review them, say after a drag ???
  18. paul @ hunter thomas automotive in newcastle
  19. hey i'm looking for the kit that attaches to the PFC to allow it to control boost and sense boost etc... basically the bleed valve isn't enough anymore and i need a good electronic controller
  20. just got mine installed today, didn't notive the AFM voltage but i did notice that in second gear at 6900rpm my injectors hit 99.6%.........so basically this is saying i should turn the boost down or........... would a bigger fuel pump do the job ??? the car is running upto 14psi at the moment...i don't mind losing some boost for some safety, would i need a fuel reg or sumthin with a bigger pump.....where do i go from here. also its not fully tuned at the moment, will that make a difference ?
  21. oh yeah dyno tune soon, needs new timing belt and radiator flush first, might get a cam geaer at same time.... anyone wanna lend me 2g's ???
  22. got PFC installed today, only got a quick tune, its running ok for now, though its running 14 psi (approx) and i've seen 99.6% injector duty so might be bringing the boost down a tad for now, don't want that causing any problems nad yeah idling a tad high, does anyone know where i can get an english copy of the PFC manual for an r33 gts-t s1.5 (series one i spose)
  23. mate would love to help but, i live in newy, and i'm flat out...but makre sure u get someone who has an air comprsser and a rattle gun, compressing psrings by hand sucks big time, and doing it on a 40+ deg day is even worse
  24. me.....FMIC, turbo back 3", thats about it really, 13 psi boost, wanna bigger turbs but i'm back to uni so the budget is now going to be tight.........(read: sucks arse) might start selling drugs for some more income or sumthin, maybe take to organised crime
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