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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. cruising if farkin shit screw that im never goin again especially if syrus organises it sau queensland sucks balls bbbboooooyyyaaaaaahhhh
  2. i have a big gearstick if you want the thrill of shifting it for me in my skyline????
  3. haha this is funny, skylines australia- qld eddition- has a new dating section:) wat r u trippin on azza u have a chick....hahahahahha ill take ya but i get lost heaps;)
  4. nah no good, qldrs are all dodgy man stay away
  5. come on guys its a very " rare" bar, not found on any other series 2 skyline in the world free bump;)
  6. yeh how much for just the 245`s?
  7. is byron,is good
  8. so how do u put em on? screw type or wat?
  9. wats ya mates work but? im not asking random shit i want to know if its been rebuilt by somone in the know or just some dude working in his back shed im not going to buy a turbo no matter how big it is if its gona shit itslef due to a dodgy history being a t3 flange it will bolt straight onto a skyline yeah? i didnt think to4e`s had a t3 flange? but i may be wrong:) otherwise, i am in curumbin and may pay ya a visit
  10. who rebuilt it? once you post up the deatil about the turbo i may be interested. wat sort of car do u have? how come you dont put it on it?
  11. wat size, wats it made of, wat brand?
  12. man why didnt you just sell the car as is? how much would u want for it? wat will u sell it for wen put bak to stock?
  13. i ***n totally forgot about this hey, i ***n went cruisng in a mates car and saw all u guys at a servo and ***n kicked myself.......................oh well was it good??? did nt recognise many cars in the quick second i saw you all, must be all new peeps
  14. GOR33

    what the???

    wats goin on? everyones leaving the skyline scene, im getting all sad and scared and shit.............put ya hand up if ya moving on....
  15. oh thats it im starting a thread
  16. hahaha yeh man ill be there, hopefully:) man howd u loose ya licence?
  17. cruizing sux as if you would do that, especially in a friggin skyline!!!
  18. swamped???? yeh with people getting the shits with u talking about organising crusies;) thursday nights we have meets,otherwise most saturday nights there are boys out, ask slide or dale, there out all the time
  19. sorry people but i gota do this friday night+quite house party+my skyline parked in the drivway+some wanker with a key and no brains= me with a screwd paint job and the shits bad to make it worse, the cops came, took a report and said that theyd be bacl 2moro to take pics. then they called the next day and said they r not gona bother cuase its a waist of tax payers money! hullo i pay my taxes! how do they explain the stupid undercover ute to catch races with the 3 grand prestige plates???? ****e cops man thats all i can say, as for the keyer....................look out ****er
  20. hahahahahahahahaha was that your old car, *** those plates, i knew ive seen them sumwere man shes putting out ****en lion power or sumthin, that was no kitten,sic lookin car;) slide needs an award people, i wish to nominate him for the 110% award:) hahahahaha
  21. dont do it azza;)
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