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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. hey oz r memebers geeting the new stickers in the mail?
  2. can u post up some closer pics of the damage
  3. skyline skyline skyline come along newbie i got a pm from a guy named trev- i forget his forum name- he is new and local and keen to come along but i think he said he works till 1am? we might still c him anyone wana print out the sau banner thing and hand them out to skyline drivers tonite? help draw in new members? cyrus gave me one ages ago even though i was already in the club...lol
  4. calm down erin your scaring me, im not a chump, im a nice little boy:) i will be there 2nite, but if im later then 630, please dont fight me
  5. true true........but we are crap its only a little gathering so no biggi if not many people turn up, i was trying to g people up to come:)
  6. nah...... i said i would meet these boys last night and i did:) the joys of being broke and having a broken car= me always pulling out last minute r u gona come down to for it 2nite erin??? u know broadi car park is ya favorite place, then perhaps we can all cruise down the espy?.........hahahaha, sorry:)
  7. shit thats no good, oh well hes got all day to get better i suppose if i was hime id be cruiseing as much as possible, considering he wont be able too soon:)
  8. hahahahahahahaha, talk about dedication! ill be there, but a bit after 630, maybe around 632......................hahahaha i bet no more then 10 sau memebers go, who wants to put in their estimate?
  9. ok whos interedted in meeting up 2nite? will only be a quiet meet and great, depending on how excited we get, a cruise might result
  10. doesnt look like i can go anymore, cash is lower then i thought, not like there was much interest from the gold coast camp neway, other then from 33niz:) matt r u still going or r u just gona cruise goldi?
  11. yeh posted a thread to get some gold coast people to go, but looks like no one is interested? its not far, its only brisbane, like 45 minutes from where i am
  12. no mechanics really around at 830pm so yeh pretty convenient saturday should be on the cards though, wat about tonight?
  13. wat???? no one wants to go???? come on:)
  14. haha, ***n clutch was being a bitch, made it down the street and back-just! had to abort the trip its all good now but:)
  15. attention gold coast people there seems to be alot of new people around in these forums who dont know many other people in these forums :wassup: tonights bbq would be a great opportunity for ya all to meet a few of the long time members, and become more comfortable with the club so any gold coasters wanting to make the trek up to bris tonight, post interest asap, so we can meet somewhere and cruise up rememeber, you can dyno run ya car too if ya lucky, so it should be a good night!
  16. haha i beet him to it:)
  17. goldies and whoever else- meet 930 bwcp slide daler32 nis33 goin so far???
  18. will do the gold coast boys wana do stuff? i was gona cruise tonite with a mate anyway, havent for a while so i thought i would slide ill pm u
  19. GOR33

    R31 Rims

    email sent mate
  20. yeh how bout a local meet and greet somewhere?
  21. oh man wats doin, its all over:( so whos goin to the bbq 2moro night? i guess were not meeting at maccas then slide???
  22. ummmmmm, just after 730 id say, to make it to coomera by 8. are we going up gchwy or the m1? this al depends on weather or no its still on, considering that its pissing down rain right about now but ill let u know closer to b4 we leave
  23. well apparently ya not supposed to sell for friends on here, so ask ya mate wat he wants b4 the thread is shut down
  24. if they are led ones then that sounds about right, otherwise, ill give 100 for them
  25. hahahahahahaha- yes! ill pull in to comera bp fo sho!
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