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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. yeh, it looks good but there will be a gap under the were the front mount sits, as in most cases i have seen fron mount finish along that middle part. will u be able to get those pics by tonight? side and front angles would be nice? cheers mate
  2. haha yeh that would be ok, ill just put a " under construction " sticker on it, lol hey yotis, were is the place u r talking about, ill look em up
  3. hey mate with the pic of the blue front bar, the bar across the front is missing, making the gap bigger, why is that? do u have one with it still on there?
  4. yeh mate you can see that gap a little more, i wonder if its different for 33s?
  5. sounds very true bogdan i was under the impression that plastic bars were better, plus this guy on the forums has a genuine bar thats painted the colour of my car for a price i can afford at the moment, so this is why i am curious as to weather it will fit on my car. the only thing is that his bar doesnt have the bottom lip on it, and i dont know if i will ever find one that i can afford either, escpecially around christmas! so i might even have to just buy a full fibreglass bar unless i can just get a lip, or find sumone who can paint the bar for cheap:)
  6. looks good man can u tell the gaps r there much?
  7. hey how much would it cost to get a front bar painted? i dont want some awsome job as the paint on the rest of the car is shit anyway, so i just want id done good enough untill i get a respray? any places on gold coast i should go to?
  8. come on man we wana but stuff!!!
  9. hey MR_G , do u have any more pics of that gtr shot?
  10. hey well if i get this guys bar, all i need is a bottom lip, anyone know were i can get them?
  11. sounds good, but im still worried about buying a bar that doesnt fit and needs extensive work. if any of you have the hpi skyline special edition that was out a few months back, take a look at the green r33 in it, he fitted a genuine gtr bar, and it looks like its weird under the lights
  12. crack in the gel coat? is that like a prep coat before painting or a part of the fibreglass structure? wens the pics cumn man:)
  13. hahahaha, i spelt spell wrong, shit im going to bed!
  14. im just boared.............and i dont think i can speel too good either????
  15. hey fellow qlds i have been searching the for sale forums and its becoming a pain in the ass. i just bought a front mount and i now need a different front bar, as i only have the series one stocker and i dont want to cut it up, so theres not gona be much air getting to the cooler! also, most bars forsale are like is sydney or even further, so its been a struggle trying to get one, also, alot of people advertise then never view their own bloody adds, so it makes things really effeicient.......... :bs!: so i thought i might direct attention to the queensland section hopeing that sumone might have or know of an aftermarket front bar i could purchase for my r33. i was chasing a gtr bar, but im open to suggestions? if i cant find anything than i suppose i will have to go buy a new one:) i will sell the stocker if anyone needs it aswell thanks for the help guys, well see how this works!
  16. your older then me adrian, you have a family and your a mature, responsible person ,why are you trying to encourage me, a younger, easily misled individual, to do such a thing???? hahahahaha, im on my way now:)...............hehehehehehe, dont tell anyone it was but!
  17. yeh i dont see why it shouldnt fit on, the gtr guards arnt too much bigger, its just thta this pic in the magazine looked bad, like he had used a gtr bar and squashed it into place makeing the top of the bar sorta bend under where the lights are. also, does anyone know were u can get gtr lips? fibreglass or plastic, it doesnt bother me really?
  18. mate would you sell the bar and buy a series 2?
  19. pretty good price man, especially if you can get 20 people, im gonna see what i can do. man is there any warrenty on them?
  20. hey peoples i have asked this before but i did not get much feedback, so i did a search and couldnt find much on the topic, so i thought id try again:) i want to try and fit a genuine gtr bar onto my gts-t. ive heared that this can be done but there is a little over hang in the wheel arch. i was looking through some old hpi mags and in the gts special, there was a harlequin coloured gts-t with a gtr bar on it, it looks like it fits good but if you look closer, the bar is slighty odd shapped under the headlights, as if it has been sqeezed on or something. im just wondering if anyone has actually fitted a gtr bar to their gts-t, or knows if it works???
  21. hey i saw that blue van today hey, hahahaha looks funny, i wanna go and tip it over hey, its pretty close to as it is:)
  22. whats the other bar man? i need a front bar hey!!! can u direct us to a site where the front bar might be? carmate, jetspeed? save u getting the pics man:)
  23. sorry to hear about it too mate, everyones thoughts are with you and ya cousins family I feel for the young guy, the other driver has really f**kd up, nice christmas this one will be. to all in these forums, and other car related forums- drink driving is dumb, we know it can wreck yours and others lives, but so can the way sobar people drive!!! we have fast cars, and sometimes think we are invisible, even though u may think you dont care about hurting yaself, a drift around some quiet street corner can lead to not you getting hurt......... think about the way you drive full stop, as usually if u screw up, its not you that gets hurt. save it for the track peoples, a persons life is too precious!!!!! have a good christmas everyone and take care!
  24. is this stuff still for sale mate?
  25. i did it all and id do it again................damn piggies!!! hahahahahhahahahah:)
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