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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. hey do u have the rear skyline sign? what condition? how much? pm me please, thanks mate
  2. hey adrian can i get a pic man? [email protected] what happened? too much happy gas mate:)
  3. hey wheres our membership stuff, was there any talk of that?
  4. i would also like to c a pic of the gear knob. [email protected] cheers mate
  5. no worries mate
  6. so wat was the last record, 80 sumthin? man these r good turnout, are there any magazienes intersetd in our club, u know for a shoot and story?
  7. will u go $100 shipped to north nsw? its for a mate
  8. i friigin missed it, i slept in till like 10, and i live an hour away from the start point and have no idea where lake baroon is so i am pissed off:( oohhhh well sounded like a good day anyway, so what was the final figure on how many cars went???
  9. i also missed it. whats new?
  10. would u be interested in a turbosmart supersonic?
  11. what tyres on on them? are there any scratches and stuff?
  12. hahaha, i just thought you all forgot about it, but its cool seems like your keen to take over so its all yours adrian so are there any ideas?
  13. ummmm like hellllllooooo:) http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=53543
  14. bad boys bad boys, what u gona do?
  15. geez thats weird hey, i dont get how harleys can be legal but bovs and 3 inch muffs arnt?
  16. did u say red and blue neons are illegal but green is ok???????? if so y??????? thats weird
  17. GOR33

    Like this Idea

    so we are goin to this?
  18. congrats mate
  19. GOR33

    Mechanics SE QLD

    go and see pete at all star performence in currumbin, hes great!!!!
  20. its pretty funny hey, pretty much every car on this site would have some sort of mod on it, wat r they gona do, fine us all? theres so much other shit they could be doing but no, ther too lazy, would rather sit in a airconditioned office and cruise the net then enforce the law out on the streets were its needed. they seriously need to get a life they should police people when they do wrong, not come in here a sneakily cheat us out of hard earned cish cash. whats wrong with moding a car, for fark sake they would not belive how good the condition of most of our cars are actually in, so why worry, everyone who drives a car is capable of doing wrong, so why target us? good odds i suppose weres artists simply providing visual excitment for our audiences, and fun for passeneger :bananaman god damn street racers :burnout:
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