its pretty funny hey, pretty much every car on this site would have some sort of mod on it, wat r they gona do, fine us all?
theres so much other shit they could be doing but no, ther too lazy, would rather sit in a airconditioned office and cruise the net then enforce the law out on the streets were its needed. they seriously need to get a life
they should police people when they do wrong, not come in here a sneakily cheat us out of hard earned cish cash.
whats wrong with moding a car, for fark sake they would not belive how good the condition of most of our cars are actually in, so why worry, everyone who drives a car is capable of doing wrong, so why target us? good odds i suppose
weres artists simply providing visual excitment for our audiences, and fun for passeneger :bananaman
god damn street racers :burnout: