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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. maybe they should try this: www.streetcommodores.com.au they will get more action there:) p.s. is this like entrapment or sumthing? it pretty slack that they can do this!
  2. my hicas light came on once the whole time i had a stock stearing wheel on, which was like 8 months, then since i have had my after market wheel on, about 4 months, the light has come on twice. its not a frequent thing, it has jsut literaly come on like once on the hwy after about 3 hrs of driving, and once before after like 20 mintues. is it bad for the light to be on? like what does it actually mean? my wheel is actually off centre a little bit, but i got a hweel alignment so i asumed it would be ok to just leave it alone.
  3. i havent read through this thread, wen is the 3rd one cumn out?
  4. it wasnt even the twin turbo version, they dont come in the areo top supras dont they? plus there auto too, or most of them. im pretty sure it was a na engine but:)
  5. wat do u want for just the pod?
  6. how much do u want for the dash around the wheel and the cd plyr, and the gear stick part, also, how much for the hand brake and gear stick boots, if u have em?
  7. hahaha what a classic
  8. im thinkon sumthin just b4 chrisi holiday time, but kinda b4 family commitments lotsa time yet, just seeing how much interest there is any ideas?
  9. yeh that would be sic, two new years count downs:) i dont know if many people would want to do a new years thing due to other comitments, but weel see. possibly have a sau qld bbq and drinks and stuff, like a christmas party? something like that
  10. does the bar include blinkers? do u know how much freight would be to the gold coast?
  11. man this is sad, no one is here anymore , none of the old people to cum cruisng, we used to get over 20 cars on thursdays were r they all?
  12. hey peeps, lets have a party at the end of the year! new years, christmas party!!! one of em i reckon christmas part post ides here, sorry if this has been disscusses already, im a bit slow :upurs: cum on peeps lets make this club exciting again, who wants in :wavey:
  13. damn straight im in!!!! put me down i will be there, unless i blow up my car b4 then:)
  14. yeh i friggin payed $2950 cash up front to just cars last year, twas hard. i really wana find someone else this year, who will still be cheap, but will let me pay by the month. whats this enthuesiasts place?
  15. yeh i just did that, works well
  16. oh andrew trust you to rip me off:) yeh but how many skylines do u see doin that in broadi, its more the little riced up shitboxes that look like they are neally falling apart. and there more bogans in commodores doing silly crap there anyway. i understand wat ya saying with the fishing analogy, its like why fish for little fish, go for the big ones or sumthing, lets just say im happy to just sit bak with a beer and enjoy the fact that im fishing, and i dont car about getting that big fish???? can u translate that, i dont really no wat i mean hey,hahahahahahaha BOV :whackit:
  17. oh geez whats goin on in hear, wat have i started, hahahahahaha:) as for the defect thing, just this saturday night, i was pulled up in the busiest part of surfers, gold coast, by an unmarked cop car who said he had pulled me over for a random defect check, he rambled on with that much car jargon about my car that i thought i wa gone for sure, but when he popped the hood, and saw my huge wank device, all he said was, " turbosmart hey, geez shes quit big" he then looked at my pod and various other defectable parts, then rubbed his hands together over my engine and said, " thats nice and warm, oh well everything seems ok here mate" then shut the hood. i could have easily gotten 10 defects, but i was nice to them, agreed with all they said, and they let me go free of defects!!! this just prooves that each cop is different, and it helps when you leave your EGO at home, maybe some people in this forum should try adjusting the size of their ego and maybe ignoring the thread when they see that its about LOUD BOVs !!!! its not hard peoples, i didnt ask for people to cum in here and call the bov enthuiesiats wankers........... its all good boys, its all good:)
  18. eeehhhh, no big deal ive seen worse............haha sorry mate bad joke:) get well soon, stay away from those busses man they are crazy mofos!!!
  19. nah its not even like that, you cant catch fish without bait, so why drive a turbo car without the pppssshhhh!!! i know this argument about the wank factor could go on forever, so lets just call it even ok:) i wanted to know which was the loudest so i DONT get it........haha, mine is pretty loud, geez u have to admit that its pretty funny wen u boost up next to sum nice little old lady on the footpath next to you, ya no, wen the big PPPSSSSHHH suddenly cums out of no where and they quikly jump around scared shitless cuase they think their in nam again.......haha oh geez its all in good fun any way back on the intention of this thread......people think blitz is the loudest? i have heard they leak boost, is this true? and what about the turbosmart megasonic with the 2 trumpets, man that would have to be loud
  20. thats gota be sum sort of achievment if i have stared the WORST thread ever in the history of sau forums. as much as alot of us would hate to admit it, the best thing about owning a skyline is the PPPPSSSSHHHHHH factor, yes i know many hate it, dont give a crap about the sound and think its totally wankey, but hey, i think u guys are the minority, ahhh well, each to their own i suppose thanks blitz, let me know wen i get my trophie.................joking bro:)
  21. hey peoples, ive done a search and have found a bit of discussion on the topic of bovs, but which on the market do you think is the loudest???? ive heard blitz is??? then again ive heard turbosmart flows the most? wats the go i have a turbosmart supersonic, and its loud, but im getting too used to the sound, and am considering a hks ssqv., simply for a different sound. let me know what your opinion is on the loudest you have heard, and any other stuff you know about bovs in general:) also, i like the flutter sound that everyone goes on about, but have hearded it will cuase shaft play, but thats same sound is made in the pod sometimes??? any input would be great!!!
  22. have u tried the rexy forums?............
  23. hey y u sellin it? there is an awfull lot of people selling their hks bovs, is sumthing wrong with em?
  24. GOR33


    hey oz do u like papa roach???
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