oh geez whats goin on in hear, wat have i started, hahahahahaha:)
as for the defect thing, just this saturday night, i was pulled up in the busiest part of surfers, gold coast, by an unmarked cop car who said he had pulled me over for a random defect check, he rambled on with that much car jargon about my car that i thought i wa gone for sure, but when he popped the hood, and saw my huge wank device, all he said was, " turbosmart hey, geez shes quit big" he then looked at my pod and various other defectable parts, then rubbed his hands together over my engine and said, " thats nice and warm, oh well everything seems ok here mate" then shut the hood.
i could have easily gotten 10 defects, but i was nice to them, agreed with all they said, and they let me go free of defects!!!
this just prooves that each cop is different, and it helps when you leave your EGO at home, maybe some people in this forum should try adjusting the size of their ego and maybe ignoring the thread when they see that its about LOUD BOVs !!!!
its not hard peoples, i didnt ask for people to cum in here and call the bov enthuiesiats wankers........... its all good boys, its all good:)