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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. is it genuine gtr plastic or fibreglass copy?
  2. so it looks like you can fit one on, but just have a bit of over hang,id rather have that and know that i have a good qaulity plastic bar, and not some fibreglass thing that will crack easy. thats i why im after a gtr bar, i dont want anything flash,just tough looking. so if gtr gaurds are wider, u would just wrap the bar around more and sqeeze it in, which is how u get the overhang hey oh well thats not that bad! if anyone knows any more about this let me know please:)
  3. yeh why? im gona change them soon but ride isnt too bad at the moment. any more interest peoples?
  4. u in bris or sydney? i will pic up from bris for 350
  5. geez, thats might mean that sumthin is wrong with my guage or the way i hooked it up cuase its shown more thne 1 led at a time, and sumtimes it stops, then when u hit the accelerator it will work again???
  6. man ive heard that they are ileagal through the epa or rta and stuff but sumtimes cops around here let em slip by.....dont know man you can never tell, just hide it under sum insulation or sumthin
  7. how hard is it to fit a gtr bar on a gtst? if it can be done ill take it, ill sort out postage and all
  8. 30 bucks to get in, which day is better today or tommorow?
  9. ok i got it all hooked up now, but wats it supposed to look like, about 4 leds light up at a time going up and down the face wen u rev it and on idle sumtimes, it just hits rich. but at night wen i turn the lights on, it read a couple of leds short, is this supposed to happen? let me know if u think it is functioninf wrong.......thanks for the help so far:)
  10. oh my god i think its kinds working now
  11. yeh pretty much, taking out the seat lets you take out the parcel tray so u can cut holes its a few hour job bro...........have fun:)
  12. nah *** that i will hang my smelly tree if i want:)..lol
  13. haha this i know:) 1st take out the bottom part of the back seat, unscrew the bolts and pull up the seat- bit treaky just take ya time. then look for the clips holding in the back upright part and pull it out. then you should be able to get to the parcle tray. i think the covers may just come off, but iff not then u may have to unscrew stuff, then the speakers in the pods should unscrew, but if you wana put in 6x9s then you will have to unscrew the whole pod, take out the tray and cut holes for the new speakers. i would use the parcel tray to mark out a new one on thicker mdf, as it will support the speakers better and give better base response!!! try that and get bak to us:)
  14. heellllloooooo sumones gota be there
  15. shit a warrent to search ya car would be good, it would slow down the defecting madness
  16. yeh thats true hey yotis, you went through a few hassles with ya wing diddnt u? oh well lucky i have 12 points hey:)........umm i think, unless i did loose those 6 points from the burnout i did, apperntley i didnt cuase it was in nsw and i have qld liscense:)
  17. haha, i have a thin brown, thin light blue and thick brown wire set up, i was told the thick brown wire man i dont know wats goin on, any more help would be great guys:)
  18. yeh but thats wat happenes wen the o2 sensor isnt plugged in, once i plug that wire in there is nuthin on the screen. as im turning on the car all the lights sorta flash but then it idles and theres nuthin????
  19. is anyone awake yet? heeeellllllpppp mmmeee! im a bumbass:)
  20. 200`s are sic, but skylines are "SKYLINES" if you knw what i mean.......drive the legend bro:)
  21. just one last question- i have plugged everything in, and when its just the + and - wire in, there is a green led lit on the last point closest to the end of the rich section. then when i plug in the o2 sensor wire the screen goes blank, even wen the car is on. do i have to be driving for the thing to work or have i done sumthin wrong?
  22. ok sweet, i bought the gauge second hand off the net, so maybe it doesnt work?? are these things something that brake or not? oh well ill go out now and fiddle with it, ill be back.........thanks heaps mate
  23. yep sic thats the wire i am trying to use, but it has like 2 different colour wires on the inside, like silver and copper, so i just join it to both then hey? also does the gauge actuall start to work right away or does the car have to heat up 1st, casue ive hooked it all up and the gauge didnt work??? thanks for the help jason
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