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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. thanks for the pic mate, so they are made by hybrid but they dont have the hybrid label on them? how long is this deal available for?
  2. hey guys just wondering if any one has a stuffed sony cd player and has kept the wire loom that plugs into the bak of it, or just has a spare one lying around. if so let me know and make an offer for wat u want to sell it to me for cheers rodney
  3. shirts look mad, and just a suggestion, can there be something organised with the autobarn chains around gold coast, they have a good db meter that they use, maybe they will cum out for the day and do the sound off, i know the guy at the burliegh store who organises their sound offs, maybe he can help us? dont know just a suggestion,if we giv them sum advertisment on the day then they might return the favour with organising the sound off? i can go and talk to him if u guys think it could work?
  4. [email protected] pics also plz.................and will this person do plumbing aswelll?
  5. wheres abs?
  6. sweet thanks erin, hey does he do clutches and stuff, apparently i need a new presure plate or master cylinder? is he pricey or reasonable?
  7. cool, i wrang up his place like last week and they were shut, is he sic or sumthin, i need to get my clutch fixed:(
  8. hey will memebrship go on then, or do we organise it before then?
  9. r u all talking about gavin wood the mechanic dude?
  10. hello
  11. r the gauges the smaller or larger size ones, and are they in good condition? also does the wheels come with the center horn peice?
  12. GOR33

    photo shoot

    oh well too late already done:)
  13. i agree with u erin, it takes a team to win, although slater did a pretty good job helping them win i reckon nsw needs to replace jason stevens, wat was up with him, didnt c him run at all?
  14. go queenslander!!!!!!!!!!!!! good game, 3rd will be good 2 c:)
  15. GOR33

    photo shoot

    hey has anyone seen the thread on coast cars.net, about the organised photo shoot they are holding on the june 26-27 weekend at the spit? just seeing if any one here wants to go, could be a good chance to get sum sau group pics or sumthin :kick:
  16. oih can u get any pics of it? also why do u want to sell it? do u need a stock bar or anything?
  17. 2.7L................nah johns v8 that shite, should have seen it!
  18. im in fo sho! however, the espy may drop numbers as some people are worried about getting deffected there, but as it is at the end of the cruiz then it should not effect it too much hey:)
  19. wat colour and condition is it in?
  20. post wat u think a reasonable offer is?
  21. GOR33

    sTOLEN cARS.

    is there something we can setup up to try and find these cars, u know like a mass hunt for them? imagine like 50 of us all looking for it on a saturday night when its cruizn around, if heaps of us chase them then theres a good chance we would get them? like the grt that strutto is talking about going to broadi car park, if u see it in there, block off the entries and catch the ***er!!!!! if the drivers that dumb then it would work.
  22. dont u hate it wen your keen to buy, but the seller isnt, you would think that if they wanted to make a sale that they would make the effort to complete the deal! pics? also interested and have the cash ready!
  23. wats goin on mate hav u sold it yet?
  24. oh yeh sick, i was wondering when all this was gona happen, will be there for sure:)
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