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Everything posted by GOR33

  1. hey yotis im in palm beach, where r u at, do u wana go halves?
  2. i will go halves with however wants to!
  3. hey i will go halves with someone interested in a twin pack, any gold coast people ineterested wanna meet up and buy them let me know before saturday night
  4. wat up, any one here know what typr of oilu can lube up the piston in a bov with? can u use engine oil or is this too thick?
  5. yeh i thought i would just use engine oil,reading the instructions tells me to use sweing machineoil, hydrolicoil oruni glide, and it say the bovpiston must be oiled, the reasonit is dry is becuse i bought it offsomeone who got it new and never used it, so yeh the oil has dried up and the bov is sticking
  6. yeh but the oil is all driedup on the piston, uknow wat kinda oil to use
  7. haha, i didnt think what u said would work, thanks anyway man....anyone else know?
  8. what for the bov, i read that it has to be hydrolic or sewing machine oil, so u can use car oil can u, what grade is magnatec?
  9. shit someones gotta know?
  10. hey dudes i need some quik advise, what kinda oil can i lube up the piston in my bov with?
  11. not removing the calipers is lazy and bodgy, u get paint in the mechanism of the caliper and shit all over ya brake lines and everything else, do thejob properly! makes the world of difference.
  12. SOLD, SOLD, SOLD TO A COMMI DRIVER- Thanks For The Inquiries Boys!
  13. GOR33


    hey anyone got any adapters they wanna sell?
  14. here is myquik rundown of howi have done it on previuos cars, last one being a silvia s13. step 1- remove wheel and make sure car is in solid position step 2- remove caliper off the disc and clean the hub with degreaser and a steel brush, the same but gentley with the caliper.then clean off with warm water and let dry step 3- sand the hub lightley, try and do the biger areas on the caliper as the detailed bits are tricky, try usind steel wool, u just needto give it a light sand to prep the surface, then clean with water again and let dry. step 4- cover up areas that may attract overspray, i cut out a ring that finishedflush with the hub, which covered the disc. then paint firstly with a metal primer. step 5- once this is dried properly,paint with your colour, after letting this dry u might want to apply clear aswell. step 6- once all is dry, take off covered stuff and put ya wheel back on. its a very simple process that takes a good day to do, and is cheap and will last forever if done properly, like i said this is how i did it and it worked great. also, with the nissan sign on the caliper, i actually dipped a cotton bud in turps and wipped off the paint on the nissan when it was still wet, i then sanded it with fine grade wet and dry paperonce dry, whick brought it back up to the shinny finnish, alsoused some metal polish for a finishing touch. have fun!
  15. skylines queensland in gold coast holds caliper painting sundays were we all get together help each other paint them, heaps easy to to and very effective!
  16. oih whats going on this thursday night, is there a meet?
  17. GOR33


    oih do u know where in gold coast i can get this done, and how much it might cost? oih can u leave the stock bov on and just take of the pluming and block up both ends?
  18. madman are you talking about me with the selling stuff thing?
  19. GOR33


    hey im not a ricer, i just wanna see if i can try and minimes that shutter in the engine when u let off the throttle, through dumping to the atmosphere intseadof pluming back to the air intake, i heard this is what a atmospheric bov can do, besides itsnot my first mod, i got a pod 1st...........lol
  20. anyone interested,come and check them out they are very nice rims,if any of you have mates with commodores that are looking for wheels let them know.
  21. what car was it all off? and is it all 4 springs?
  22. GOR33


    sory to bother u boys but just one quick question, i just got a bov and am wondering if i should put it were the plumpback was( on a r33) or plug that up andput in on my cooler plumbing. do any of you know where on the gold coast i can get the nessecary welding done? and how much this would cost, i have the adapter already so would this turn out cheaper then buying the adapter worth$70 that puts it were the plump back is..........any suggestions?
  23. GOR33

    broadi carpark

    yeh they do that there, some time last year , towards the middle, i went there and they had the whole carpark blocked off and the only way you could get out was if a cop had looked over ya car, seriously they had cops walking around checking everycar and giving them tickets to say they could leave, i was there with a supra that was dumped on 19`s and had lots done under the hood, the copper said '' is this mostly stock" and the guy with the supra said yeh its just got nice wheels mate,and he got let off, i dont know how to take the cops man,sometimes good, sometimes bad, all i know is that if your driving in the direction of one of those rta undercar roller things then u should be very scared, they deffect u for everything.it doesnt happen there that often though i dont think, just when they need a little more revenue i suppose.
  24. hey u wanna sell that front bar man?
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