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Everything posted by seraphyn_r33

  1. im not claiming to be a drifter, i have never tried, and prob never will. the driver of the ute is most likely a fantastic driver, i mean he did get the ute sideways. he would be able to drive circles around me thats for sure. he is most likely a good bloke, but he came off as a bit of a toss on tv. Aussie drifters are by no means poorly skilled, some of them are fantastic drivers, and they have great cars as well. Its just weird seeing a holden ute alongside all these silvias and stuff, it just doesnt seem right, if you get how i mean. that being said, im all for seeing new cars in drift, its good to see something different from the s13,14 and 15 legions. Although i would like to see something other than the quintessential bogan transport of choice, like the good ole holden ute, or the pontiac gto that they have in the states, that pisses me off just as much. I still stand by my thoughts bout the commentators though. one of the guys knew absolutely nothing, although he is pretty funny and the other guy, which would be the person who posted earlier, you obviously knew wat you were saying, i could tell by listening to you, but by what they had edited to fit the time frame, it still made you come across in parts like a bit of a newbie, sorry, just my thought on it. That being said, its bout time i saw some good shit on speedweek!!!! no more boring speedboats, lol. it would be sick if aussie drift got as much publicity and funding as usa drift, since our drivers are better, hehe
  2. yeah one of my mates has a vl turbo. Cheap cars and fast too for the price they sell at you couldnt find all that much better price/performance wise, cept of course a nice s13 or something along those lines hehe
  3. yeah exactly, the stupid commentators were talking it up so much sayin how its the most powerful drift car in australia. Really, who cares?? we all know power figures are far from the name of the game in drift. You could tell the commentators had little idea bout what was going on either. One of them was a total noob, the other had a small idea of what was going on. The driver of the ute pissed me off too, i totally agree with Linton. It was just typical bogan aussies and holden trying to ooze there way into everything to get in some promotion and try and make everyone think that aussie cars can do anything better than what japanese cars can do, which is utter bullshit.
  4. yeah i saw it on speedweek in coverage of one of the drift rounds, it didnt do too bad, and made ****loads of smoke but yeah i hate it, stupid bogan ute, seems so out of place in a drift event
  5. my family had an r30 sedan way back in the day, and it ran like a dream and it was no slug either (although i was only a real little kid back then, lol) Back then my parents had a few big worked v8s and to this day they still praise the r30, saying how it was reliable and quick too. I know its not the same as what you are getting but just from what ive been told old aussie skylines are good reliable cars. On the k's thing, the number doesnt really matter. It all depends on how well or bad the car has been treated.
  6. mate, 14 grand is an insult to the sellers car, and an insult to your intelligence. Yeah, you can find heaps of r33s for 14, but most likely they are either non-turbo, auto trans, and/or a sedan. Try finding a good condition r33 manual turbo coupe for 14 grand, one that you dont have to spend any money on to fix problems within the first 3 months and ill eat my hat. I can understand you were only making an offer, fair enough, but come on, 14 grand is a tad too low, he has been willing enough to drop to 16 grand, and thats a bloody steal if you ask me.
  7. arghhhhh!! if only u were sellin in a few months, id snap it up without a second thought. Great car, and for 16 grand its an absolute steal!!
  8. Go the sp23, but has to be the sedan, hatch looks shit. My mum owns a sp23 sedan and its a great car, i learnt to drive in it and drove it on my p's for a while. handling is good, and the car still has a little bit of get up and go wen ya put the foot down. the engine is quiet which takes a little getting used to though. The sedan scores in the looks department as well, i reckon more so than any other of your choices. I vote the mazda 3
  9. lol im gonna hold you to that offer richard, i better get her alone all night ;-) so no photos, can i video tape it?? lol j/j sent the avatar pics to your work email earlier today, enjoy!
  10. richard, i can send you all of ya gtr pics in avatar size if u want?? i have paint shop pro7, will take bout 2 minutes to turn em all into 125X125 size. yeah, we rang ellio, he just said it was a random breath test, but we dunno if he was tellin the truth or not, lol
  11. yeah hopefully he doesnt lose his license or anythin, but still it was pretty funny
  12. ok, pics sent to one of justins emails. everyone that requested them should get em very soon
  13. well maybe i will..........smart ass broadband chump, lol. :-)
  14. justin and his t88s. hurry up and put on your own 33 ya bastard!! lol. ill email the pics to everyone who asked for the pics tonight. if anyone else wants them just say so in this thread before 11, coz its gonna be a lot of time to attach each pic, and i couldnt be ****ed attaching them all a second time
  15. ask nicely or you wont get nothin :-p
  16. haha damn you justin, dont tell him i made love to his car.....i mean i hope i didnt say that out loud. Was a very good time :-) Sent richard the pics of his gtr earlier this arvo. I wish i had gotten more pics of tridents r33 though, such a mean looking car, it was a shame ya left the carbra on it all day :-( I can post up some pics of the meet if anyone wants?? They look pretty much like oscar32s pics though. I got some pics of that veilside kitted r33 that showed up if anyone wants to see that?
  17. did u come bolting out of the darkness totally naked screaming with ur block of wood?? that woulda freaked em out hella bad, they would never come back then
  18. hogans ghost!!! hahaha use the alf stewart pic!!! thats so piss funny, hahaha. if the world was a perfect place, that alf stewart pic would stand up in court. get alf to come in and be the eye witness....ya flamin mongrels
  19. hahha ****in funny foznice. hes at it again!!!!!
  20. yes please keep us all informed of ur progress burns, i have a dislike for traffic cops having been ****ed over by them a few times. Just be aware that the police force could be described as "thick as thieves" it will be an uphill struggle trying to prove them wrong and escape your fine
  21. less lag?? maybe less power?? but im guessing it would be a lot more expensive to supercharge the rb25 then go the conventional turbo route
  22. yeah, so typical of the goddamn media.
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