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Everything posted by seraphyn_r33

  1. hahah funny shit. Although it is more rewarding and soothing to scream the insults at the offender then to simply hold up a sign
  2. i can tell most cars apart, just from hearing them so much, ya get used and accustomed to the sound of each type of car, just like u can tune a guitar by ear after playing it for a few years
  3. to get the hotknife u have to get gold for every test at the car driving school
  4. Fatz track day is on my 18th birthday........hows about that for some useless information
  5. i vote to change the chant to *MINES DATSUN GO HOME! MINES DATSUN GO HOME!*
  6. im diggin the paint and bodykit, although im not too fond of the ricey rims and the ricey greddy sticker on the windscreen. Otherwise very cool car :-)
  7. there seems to be a huge recession in import prices at the moment. SI r33s are selling for as low as 15 and under, r32's as low as 10, and silvias even less than that. Maybe it could be a good idea to keep it for another 6 months maybe?? see if the market improves at all?? thats just my uneducated guess at it
  8. weve even recently come across a new fangled invention down albury way, its called the wheel :-)
  9. im actually quite relieved, i mean no law is gonna stop me driving what i want, but the first year p-platers having the restrictions is a good compromise in my opinion. Its way better than banning everyone under 26 from a fast car. Im still a strong believer in the view that its the driver, not the car thats at fault scenario. I feel that if someone is a dick behind the wheel, they will do it in any car, no matter the performance of the car. But anyways, a reasonably fair compromise me thinks
  10. yeah im up for it, there is a lot of import action round albury way. ill dig out the mountain bike for a cruise, coz thats all i got, lol. or justin can drive me (hint hint) lol j/k
  11. yep agreed, its the driver not the car. The government cant realise that though. Quite frankly im fed up with this bullshit. All the laws and legislation the government can throw at me wont stop me driving what i want to drive
  12. im up for that, i hate this dickhead. i dont give a **** anymore, ill drive what i want. no one can tell me what i can and cant drive
  13. i dont agree with the banning p-platers from high powered cars. Like jae_s15 said a lot of ppl have been saving/working on/caring for their car for a few years keeping them to a standard far above the regulations, especially a lot of people my age. These people will be the ones getting ****ed over if law moves in to ban high performance vehicles from p-platers. I reckon a better solution would be to implement the mandatory driving course(s) when you get your license, but maybe for the p-platers with high performance cars implement extra driving courses or maybe an extra test or something, i dunno. Maybe even create a special high performance provisional license?? This would effectively filter the true car enthusiasts our age from the ****wits that buy the car just to drive irresponsibly, coz the enthusiasts, the ppl my age who drive their high powered cars responsibly would go the extra mile to attain the ability to drive their high powered car, where as the stupid morons would most likely just say "**** it i aint gonna go through extra tests and courses just to drive that car"
  14. if they ban the age bracket of 26 and under from fast cars, the only thing it gonna do is increase the death toll of people over 26 with fast cars, because all the car enthusiasts will buy a high powered car as soon as they will be able to and have little experience in them, effectively making their experience level the same as a p-plater, except a few years older in age. the only thing this rule would change would be - under 26 y.o deaths in high powered cars DOWN over 26 y.o deaths in high powered cards UP and this is only assuming that everyone follows ridiculous rules like this, which we wont. The government is just too ****ing stupid for its own good. Deaths on roads are inevitable. THERE IS ONE SIMPLE SOLUTION TO LOWER DEATHS EFFECTIVELY tougher rules and tests to acquire you license, plus driver education courses being mandatory to both educate and train new drivers. simple as that?? not quite, government cant bring itself to spend the required sum of money to fund it. The government is trying every solution to lower deaths without spending money. Unfair and ridiculous knee jerk proposals like no driving at night for young ppl, not allowed to have 5 people in the car etc. All these rules are outlandish, unfair, not thought through and very difficult to enforce. All these stupid ass proposals would accomplish is delay much needed experience for young people to a later age, effectively doing nothing but increasing the death toll in later ages than in younger ones. One simple solution - train drivers better by implementing driver education programs while acquiring licenses, it may be costly but its the only sure fire way to lower the death toll across the board. Sorry for my extensive rant, but as a p-plater im just getting sick of the ignorance of the government and reading about these increasingly obsurd bans we are facing. My 2 cents anyway
  15. haha thats a funny ass article. typical media bullshit. that falcon must be making at least 500 kw at the wheels with serious performance mods like the motley crue custom interior
  16. you can find the elegy in san fierro and las venturas. You have to unlock arch angels workshop. To do that you have to finish the ya ya kaboom mission and also finish all the tests at the driving school. After you do that, you should get a phone call from cesar about stealing a wish list of cars. After you do like 1 or 2 of those missions the arch angels shop will be open. Its good as, you can modify all the street racer cars u cant modify at transfender, eg the elegy and the jester, etc etc
  17. like a lot of people on here, i too have seen that beautiful machine in articles and such, and to see it in that state is horrifying. I really dont know how to explain how im feeling right now. pretty much numb and getting cold shivers up my spine. this is truly tragic. i dont know any of the people involved, but my deepest, deepest sympathy goes to the families involved. The pain the families of the deceased must be going through would be unbearable. This just proves how fragile life is and how easy it can be taken away. I hope everyone my age that reads this realises how easy it is to get yourself and your friends in trouble if you drive recklessly. I really dont know what else to say R.I.P
  18. i found out how to modify all the street racer cars like the elegy and jester etc etc. you know all the sports cars u cant modify in the normal transfender shops. i dunno how many of you have already found it out, but its added a lot more interest in the game to me again since i finished the story line bout a week or more ago.
  19. may be silly questions, but seems very cheap, does it have any problems?? is it registered?? if so, for how long?
  20. my ride is funny as, i found a romero (hearse) took it to transfender, now it has an evil black paintjob, bass boost sound system, the gold spoked dayton rims and it has hydraulics. nothin like a low rider hearse!!
  21. I know all of you treasure this game, but hows about this, this is what i went through to finally buy the game. I didnt have enough scratch to buy a new copy of the game, so i go to my local games rental place each day for 3 days, and then finally score a vacant copy, i hire it for a week (18 bloody dollars) i rush home, play it, and what do i get?? a scratched disc that keeps freezing on me!!. ok, im pissed now. Then i have a brainstorm. Why not trade in my old ps1 and a few games?? thatll get me a few dollars to buy a new copy. So i go back to my games rental place, and ask for a quote, about 50 bucks for my system and a couple of games, thats all good, but they dont have any copies of san andreas. So i get back in the car and head down to Electronics boutique, and i take them up on their advertised offer of trade in your old system and 3 games for 50 bucks off anything else in the store, so i go back to the car and get my ps1 and games, i go in, and the scabby attendant wont give me any value for 2 of my games!! so the offer is void (and he was cool, i mean he had an old nes controller for a belt buckle for ****s sake) Greatly angered i drive back home again, and pick up some more ps1 games, i then drive back and in the car park i take a park and then get abused by this european guy in a black VT commo, yelling at me for taking his park (he didnt even know the word for indicator, he was yelling at me for not seeing his "sign") i walk back in and finally i get value on one of the 3 games i give to the guy. So i then purchase my brand spankin new copy of san andreas, and the guy was even nice enough to give me a miniscule discount. I walk out pleased as punch and then walk off, i then realise i left the rest of my ps1 games in the store, so i rush back and pick them up then head home after around a 3 hour ordeal to buy this bloody game. The quest is finally over, i now have my preciousssssssssssss haha. sorry for the long post but yeah it was good to get it off my chest :-)
  22. finally got to play it!!!!!!!! finally had enough scratch to hire one! oh god its mad, ive only just started, coz of my horrible jinxed luck the copy i hired out is ****ing scratched! so it keeps gettin read errors, pretty much everytime you walk in to places like the hairdresser and tattoo parlour and shit, its so aggravating!!! but yeah, maaaad game
  23. hahaha tooshay
  24. man i cant wait to play this game!!!!!!!!!! im so stone broke at the moment i cant buy it, im cut as!!!!! but i go to tunzagames every day to try and hire it and none of the 7 copies have been vacant yet!! ill be goin there every day until i have me a copy to play!!! everytime i see them all out i drop to my knees and start crying, the attendants are getting rather sick of me doing that now, haha :-)
  25. The new fast and the furious movie will no doubt be shit. i never paid to see them at the movies, but i must admit i hired them as soon as they came out on dvd. the first movie was pretty good, even with all the rice shit and numerous mistakes in it though. The second was for the first 20 minutes was pretty good, but the rest was appalling, i cant believe they killed off the mighty gtr in like 5 minutes!! (and if you look closely in the parking lot of that gay ass rapper/im almost an actor ludicrous' garage, you will see a "sick" hyundai coupe chillin out the front) Even if the third one is in tokyo its still gonna be shit as i reckon. Drifting has taken off in the states so there is a possibility of some drift action, but i bet it wont be hardcore japanese drift, itll be based on the USAs idea of drift, i bet that Vin Diesel will have a "sweet" pontiac gto with a huge GT-wing and 5 NOS tanks and he will take it with him over to Tokyo and beat all the hardcore japanese cars. I can see it happening. You gotta realise though, the fast and the furious will always be aimed at the mainstream, not at the more hardcore and more well informed car nut, like a lot of us are i guess. Its still in essence just another typical hollywood big dollar blockbuster action movie series. It relies on the special effects and explosions and all that other action jazz to entertain audiences. The fact its on cars i reckon is just because there is no other movies where cars play a sort of major part like that. I vote that SkylinesAustralia.com be consulted to select the cars in the next movie lol, coz i dont know about you guys, but im sick to death of seeing 100000 honda civics and other assorted rice shitboxes in those movies.
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