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Everything posted by seraphyn_r33

  1. oh yeh, and also i second that you should put up how they broke into the car, im willing to give details bout myself if need be.
  2. now that has to be the happiest ending ever for a story!! im so glad you got your pride and joy back dude!! it musta been hell wat youve been through for the last 3 weeks. i was sick to my stomach bout the theft, its really unforgivable. this story was a real rollercoaster ride of emotions!! lol. When you find the person/people who did this, tie him/them up, put them in the boot of your car and drive them down south so all us SAU members down here can give them a good arse kicking for wat they have done!!
  3. i dont know bout u guys, but a life without the silvia, the skyline, and the sr and rb motor is not a life at all *sobs uncontrollably* lol. the silvia and skyline are guranteed sellers, they have a totally loyal market in japan. it could even be compared to *coughs* bombadores and falcoons over here. well my two cents anyway. i can understand nissans cash flow problems, but why not just postpone the series to a later date, and maybe even, update the sr and rb? i know my opinions are most likely pie in the sky stupid ideas, coz im an idiot, but hey, thats just wat i think anyway. i dont think i could live without seeing silvias and skylines on the road.
  4. im liking the second 180 ya got there jeremy, tickles my fancy greatly, lol. u didnt have to go to all the trouble, i was just after suggestions, but i really appreciate wat ya got for me dude. thanks heaps!!
  5. but thats the thing im not that much of an inexperienced driver, i have driven skylines before, as well as some cordias and i have done an advanced driving course. at the moment im driving my mums mazda 3 sp23 (not a bad car) bout 120 kws. so im in the market for a car of my own. i learnt on some shitboxes, like an old nissan pulsar and an old mazda 323
  6. yeah, my original idea was a 1jz supra, but they are hard to find, especially in manual. im really not interested in an auto at all, theyre boring, lol. if i could find a good condition 1jz supra with manual trans i would be happy
  7. i dont think i could pick a favourite old school game!! there is just way too many awesome games!! just off the top of my head though: enduro racer - sega master system road rash series - sega mega drive double dragon - sega master system rock and roll racing - super nintendo wwf royal rumble - super nintendo afterburner 2 - sega master system choplifter - played it on some ancient pc with only black and yellow colours streets of rage series - sega mega drive
  8. thanks for the opinions guys!! yeh that bluebird looked good, until i seen its an auto:( in my personal opinion i reckon the skyline sedans are pretty ugly, just my preference. a sileighty would be good, even better would be a onevia, wat kind of prices do onevias fetch? anyway, it will most likely come down to either a 180 or a r32. wat u guys reckon? or any other suggestions?
  9. in your professional opinions, wat would be an ideal first car for up to 15 grand?? i would really love an r33, but i know you would be really pushing it for a good condition turbo r33 for 15. (im not interested in a sedan) if u know of any r33 gts-t's for under 15 please let me know. anyways, ive been looking at s13's, s14's, 180's, r32's and supras. my preference would be either a 180 or an r32, as u can get good examples of them for under 15. anyway, wat do u guys reckon?? or any other suggestions?? thanks
  10. i listen to mostly metal, and old school rap. in the car atm is - body count (all black old school thrash metal band with rapper ice-t on vocals) an old school rap compilation, featuring shit like 2 live crew, public enemy, run dmc, grandmaster flash, etc etc. remember macho man randy savage? the wrestler? well he released a "rap" album, its the funniest, gayest shit ive ever heard. thats in there as well, and finally digimortal - fear factory
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