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Everything posted by seraphyn_r33

  1. I like to think of myself as a pretty sensible driver these days, although i used to have my moments. When i got my skyline i became a lot more responsible on the road. Mainly the fact i love my car so much and dont want it to break and that i value my license too much and dont want the johnny hoppers to take my car and license away from me. But like everyone, the temptation of driving a relatively quick car can get too much. I can count the amount of traffic light tango races ive had on one hand, and after a close call with the po-po ive never done anything like that since, because seriously, whats the point??? risking your life/passengers life/getting fined/losing license/losing car etc etc all for the sake of being able to say you accelerated faster than another car from a set of traffic lights??? At the end of the day, its all macho bullshit. People obviously watch fast and the furious too many times and think that if they have a car with a ludicrous bodykit, big exhaust and massive sound system going around racing people all day and night that they are going to get laid. When im driving along in my 33, minding my own business, and some car belts up beside me pleading me to race me, i look at my girlfriend in my passenger seat, then look over at the car which is ALWAYS either some guy by himself or a group of dudes, and just laugh about how lonely they must be and un attractive to the opposite sex their behaviour makes them. To prove my point the other week my girlfriend and i were driving along the westgate bridge in her dads early model suzuki swift hatchback, complete with faded and peeling paint, to have some clever chap drive up beside us on his bike, between our car and the railing of the bridge, revving hard, speeding up a bit, then slowing down, and giving my gf the nod then repeating the process to get her attention. When she finally looked at him he then pulled a massive wheely and speed off at over 100 kms an hour on one wheel between the left lane and the bridge railing. I dont think she couldve been more repulsed in her life. I found it quite hilarious. If you give in to temptation a few times, i agree that its simply human behaviour. But if you go around making a concerted effort to channel michael schumacher every time you get behind the wheel, your definitely an idiot
  2. According to most Holden owners their cars make about 1000000000000 rwkws fwkws awkws in park on a dyno that is upside down using a volcano as a fan. I have friends that do it, i think everyone has "that friend" that claims fantastical power outputs from either their own car or some car they "read about." Who cares, its good for a laugh! It definitely can get annoying though, so i feel your pain there. unless its a dyno queen, its the torque that matters most anyway.
  3. willing to seperate coilovers?
  4. exactly right! PM sent code blue youve made my heart sink, coz believe it or not im getting the manifold studs replaced in my car at the moment because some of them have seized/broken. FUUUUCKKKKK they do have it overnight, because the guy was having trouble getting them out. so if help me god he has caused a big problem with my ride and doesnt fix it this will probably be my last post because i will be serving 25 to life for murder.
  5. any other interest?? i had one guy offer me his teins, but he has now dropped off the face of the earth
  6. vacuum on my stock boost gauge sits at the same level, so im guessing that my comp hasnt changed dramatically. car runs the same, and still starts well. fuel econ seems about the same. On a quick check over the car seems fine, i guess to put my worries to bed ill have to just take it to get a proper comp test at some stage as i dont have the tools to do it myself manually. i dont think this guy wouldve thrashed it within an inch of its life, but judging by the knock that day, he definitely did take it for a spirited drive somewhere, which is just fantastic for my car on a hot day. i always take down my odometer as well, so i can tell you that he drove it about 7kms. From now on i can tell you my rev limiter will be set to 2000-3000, my trip meter set to 0 and my odometer written down on a piece of paper. tell you what, im damn glad that im moving to melbourne in the next few months, so now my TUNER can service my car and/or modify/repair my car if needed. At least he is one person that i can trust and that i know wont mistreat my car, and more importantly knows what hes talking about. Living in a town like albury is a curse in that regard, one day your glad you drive a skyline because you dont see many others, and then the next your ropeable because someone youve taken your car too has either mistreated it or f**ked up whatever they were trying to do to it because they have no f**king idea about the car your driving. At least i can thank them for forcing me to do a lot of my own work on my car!! you get more satisfaction that way
  7. i have enough trouble saving enough money to buy a chinese turbo, and thats the list you "have lying around" and "can get a hold of?" lucky bastard car will be a monster when its finished, although its only worth what someone else wants to pay for it, and youd be nuts (or an idiot) (or both) to sell it especially the way the market is at the moment that titanium system alone would probably be worth more than what i paid for my car hahah
  8. after letting the car sit for a while and cool down, and judging by the knock levels taking it for a drive later i realised that my mechanic just took it for a thrashing. Your exactly right guilt toy, cant trust anyone with our cars. Definitely from now on, the rev limiter on my pfc will be set to 2000-3000 rpm for sure. I realise now how silly my question was after re-reading it, but unfortunately i ruled out that it had been thrashed since i "trusted" my mechanic since ive been a customer of theirs for so many years now, alas i was wrong. I guess the temptation of my car having about 70 more rwkws since last time they had it got the better of them.
  9. Just got my car serviced today. Minor service, so just an oil and whatever. As i drove off i noticed my car has started to knock more than usual (the knock level on my PFC says about 17 in traffic putting about, and then jumping up to about 40-60 when you open it up) My mechanic put injector cleaner in my fuel for me, would that have any effect in the knock in my car??? as it has started doing this just after i got it serviced. Im a bit stumped as to what else, if anything could contribute to it???
  10. had a bit of interest, any others??
  11. +1 for the registration in mums name, cheaper insurance too! and +1 for the thread, its good to hear what everyone thinks on the subject, everyones raised very valid points. To throw in my two cents, skyline owners are going to be looked as something different from each single person. Negative, positive, indifference, i would safely say that everyone in this thread has experienced everything from great reactions to horrible ones and everything inbetween. Without getting waaaayyy too deep-and-meaningful about the matter, talking about being the by-product of sensationalist media and the stereotypes relating to the automotive industry id personally just like to be seen in my car the way i see people in skylines - admiring a beautiful piece of machinery and a mixture of jealousy from before i even had my own skyline about how lucky they are to own such an awesome car. My 76 year old nan likes my car because its easy to get in and out of
  12. Looking for a set of coilovers for my 33 not looking to spend more than 700-800 Anyone help me out???
  13. are you willing to part it out or do you want to sell it as is?? im interested in a few little bits and pieces
  14. would you be interested in selling the rear view mirror glass for LHS and RHS??
  15. i know its not listed, but i see you are selling a whole r33 in another thread, you wouldnt be interested in selling the glass for the rear view mirrors at all???
  16. same kinda deal with the oil cooler??? any money i can save will be going towards a turbs upgrade and coilovers as well i guess best bet may as well be just bomb it round the track a few laps and see how high temps get. next track day around my way is in december, so the hot weather will really test it!
  17. Hey guys Have been thinking about getting my car on to the track and two questions are burning a whole in my mind. number 1 - is it worth replacing the stock radiator?? My car makes about 205 rwkws @ 13psi, so its not hugely modified, yet its not stock either. I have been looking at the cooling pro radiators from just jap which are alloy and 60mm thick. They retain the factory shroud and id just be using the stock clutch fan. Do these perform much better if at all than the stock r33 radiator?? and also is it even worth replacing in the first place? as my stock radiator works perfectly fine to my knowledge anyway. i just dont want the car overheating. and question 2 - oil coolers. i have been looking at the cooling pro ones once again from just jap, they seem like pretty decent quality?? (one of the 11 bar kits including filter relocation) Also since i have bugger all tools at my disposal at the moment, how much would you imagine it would cost for someone to fit an oil cooler for an r33 series 1?? my car is 95% a daily driver, im thinking about having a few spurts on the track when the oppurtunities arise, i really just want piece of mind about the temps in the engine bay if i do a few hot laps.
  18. Wont notice much if any difference between any pod filter. just buy one with a dry element and youll be right.
  19. A 2nd hand gtr fuel pump would be fine, but for how cheap bosch and warlbro pumps are, you may as well give yourself peace of mind and get something brand new. in terms of ecu, daxter is right, there are ecus that can do auto trans, but if you dont want to go over 200rwkws, or far from it, a safc would be a cheaper alternative, as that will easily get the job done. I dont know much at all about r33 autos, so someone correct me if im wrong, but i would imagine they will handle 200 rwkws piss easy. If you want to keep modding the car down the track, ie bigger turbo etc etc then definitely go for a full ecu replacement. Bear in mind that when you start making more power out of your car, the modfying bug WILL bite you and before you know it after swearing like i did "200rwkws is as far as i want to go, any more would be silly and out of my budget, 200 rwkws is fast enough" here i am looking at prices for injectors and turbo kits haha.
  20. ok so i got my car retuned on saturday with the new metalcat in place of the xforce ceramic cat. i dont have dyno graphs as the printer wasnt working, but before my car made about 195-199 kws, with the new metalcat it now makes about 205 or so. On the graphs there wasnt really any difference in pulling power through the mid range, but more top end. so i suppose ive gained around 5-10kws for an extra 200 bucks. I would be very interested to see what kind of flow the xforce racing cats make, they seem to look ok??
  21. I might be able to help on this matter. I have an xforce ceramic bolt in cat on my car at the moment. I recently bought a "metalcat" weld in cat. getting it welded in on friday, getting the car re tuned on saturday, so ill post up a before and after dyno graph. I wouldnt imagine a BIG difference in power, but we shall see.
  22. Paul is right about the auto box and ecu choices. Standalone ECU's (Apexi Power FC for example) cant run autos. so first would be piggyback ecu like an apexi safc or safc2. Definitely a boost controller - run it on about 10-13 psi. 13 psi is about the highest you would want to go without causing damage pretty damn quickly to your stock turbo. You would be able to find a cheap second hand electronic one in the for sale section here somewhere. Then id go fuel pump, more for piece of mind than anything else. your stock one might be up to the task if its in good condition, but for the sake of a few hundred dollars, youd be silly not too, plus you will need one if you want to upgrade your turbo down the track. bosch 044, or warlbro, or pay a few hundred more to get a sard or nismo item. Any will do the job without any trouble in the world. With the FMIC and turbo back exhaust and a tune, you should see close to, if not 200 rwkws pretty safely. Including labour you should have a little bit of change from the 1500 you want to lay out. If you DESPERATELY wanted to spend it all on your car, then id get some suspension/handling mods. Coilpacks should be ok, get your tuner to check them out. Tuner will probably change your sparkplugs for you as well. There is nothing else you need for this stage in terms of gaining power. with 200rwkws your car will feel a WHOLE lot better and fun to drive!! and it will be genuinely quick. The next stage is a turbo upgrade, and basically no matter what way you look at it, the bottom line cost is going to be a lot. I dont agree about the cheaper turbos though, obviously steer well clear of ebay turbos, but i have personally seen people getting pretty good figures out of hypergear and kkr turbos (although obviously brand name turbos are going to outperform them) but discussion on all that has been covered before and is another story altogether. Hope that helps man!
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