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Everything posted by BlackTemplar

  1. some on-car 1080p footage, I haven't gone through the photos yet. If you want photos of a particular car send me a pm. Otherwise I will go through the photos and try to find some good ones to put up
  2. So I have 2 weeks off over christmas and Im not going away. Is anyone interested in a couple of gaming nights? eg BF3, killing floor or whatnot Also, some mates and I will be doing a fair bit of lanning over the break. If anyone wants to join in over the net, the more the merrier. We often play Killing Floor, Space Marine, COD MW 1 2 or 3, FIFA, Need for Speed of some variety, maybe some Diablo 3 or LoL. Whatever we feel like really. Most on PC but FIFA on ps3. My steam id is madcatdj and origin is fsm-madcat if anyone wants to add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007058391
  3. Im another who was disappointed by FC2. Ive only just started playing #3, will see how it goes
  4. Just dont blow this one up
  5. I thought you did rebuilds yourself in your backyard? customary redhead
  6. Thanks for the heads up Ash
  7. yolo is what all the fags say these days. nek minnut is a nz druggo
  8. Do any of you guys have an idea what time you will hit Gundagai on the highway on Thurs? Just a guess will do and I will grab Martins number so I can get a better time on the day, so I can let my boss know what time Im leaving on Thursday as I will be working a half day.
  9. Hey Wayne, Im coming to this one, happy to help out again. I did timing/cones on the mini wang in May so might be easiest to chuck me there again as I will know what Im doing
  10. Hey Aaron, Im keen to go halves if no one has put their hand up yet
  11. free copy of bf1942 on origin There will probably be a few populated servers pop up now that there is a free version, and the game has bots so you dont have to play online http://news.softpedia.com/news/Free-Battlefield-1942-Now-Available-on-Origin-for-PC-304586.shtml
  12. haha normally I dont get too pissed off when people do stupid stuff, but I can see this guy causing an accident very soon. I just cant stand people not staying in their own lane Like yesterday some P plater in a landcruiser ute was driving slowly in the left hand lane, indicated to move in the right hand lane, but only moved halfway, so he was halfway in both lanes, still going slowly...... I mean wtf is that lol
  13. I had a good one yesterday. Was right behind an old retard in a luxury hyundai seden, every single roundabout, he would indicate right going into the roundabout, in the right hand lane, and then indicate left and exit in the left hand lane (basically swapping lanes after the left hand turn exit, so he can go straight without steering) I could have overtaken him as he was also going 10-20kms below the speed limit (single lane roads, half of the roundabouts on the way home are 2 lane roundabounts that merge back into single lane) but I didnt want to risk a dint. did give him a courtesy flash after one roundabout to see if he would wake up to himself, he didnt. so at the last one when I had to turn left, I gave the car a spurt as soon as the left hand lane appeared, and flipped him the bird. He looked quite offended lol
  14. Im heading thursday arvo, if there is a mexican convoy heading up hopefully I can tag along at somewhere like Gundagai
  15. I will be heading up around midday Thursday, will be seeing if there is a mexican convoy I can attach myself to at Gundagai or something. I figure the more the better
  16. well more like 3% - 5% depending on the fixed term and bank I would give some money to my family, because we have never been well off and then term deposit the rest Im only young, so as I get older I would slowly build up a share/property/car/plane portfolio
  17. Anyone up for a BF3 night sometime soon? Shotgun not being on Manuel's team cause I dun wanna die
  18. haha thats clean as anything compared to my pc desk right now
  19. Thanks guys, I might just stick with the Kenwood, I guess that will avoid issues in the long run.
  20. I might load up Armoured Kill tonight to see what its like, if its shite I will just go back to CQ fsm-madcat is my username if anyone wants to join me
  21. Not really, Wesfarmers has been around since 1918 or something like that, started off as a farmers cooperative. They bought the Coles group a couple of years ago, just like they have bought many other companies around Aus. They are a huge company, but with a finger in lots of different pies. Unlike CBA or BHP who are just into banking or mining. They have a couple of smaller insurance companies, and run the OAMPS chain of insurance brokers
  22. Might be worth ringing up and getting a quote from Lumley SV. I got a quote from Just Car, and Lumleys was almost half of what Just Car was insert disclaimer here about different circumstances etc
  23. Just wondering if I can get some opinions on a new head unit for my GT-T. Im looking at getting a dvd player with a flip out screen. I pretty much whittled it down to a Kenwood KVT-636DVD, when I thought I would check the cheap chinese stuff. Normally I would avoid the cheap stuff and stick with a quality brand. http://www.ryda.com....p/kvt636dvd.htm The "King Viper" seems to be a great little unit as well as having alot of additional features over the Kenwood unit, like detachable face, digital tv tuner, bluetooth & GPS. http://www.chinavasi...uchscreen_DVB-T I guess at the end of the day I would like to know if the king viper is great value for money, or is it a case of you get what you pay for, eg cheap and nasty and will break within 12 months? Or if anyone has any better suggestions, Im all ears
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