I had a good one yesterday. Was right behind an old retard in a luxury hyundai seden, every single roundabout, he would indicate right going into the roundabout, in the right hand lane, and then indicate left and exit in the left hand lane (basically swapping lanes after the left hand turn exit, so he can go straight without steering)
I could have overtaken him as he was also going 10-20kms below the speed limit (single lane roads, half of the roundabouts on the way home are 2 lane roundabounts that merge back into single lane) but I didnt want to risk a dint.
did give him a courtesy flash after one roundabout to see if he would wake up to himself, he didnt. so at the last one when I had to turn left, I gave the car a spurt as soon as the left hand lane appeared, and flipped him the bird. He looked quite offended lol