Im going to kill the next soccer supporting greek I see. Reason? heres my reason.... tell me you wouldn't do the same thing. :uzi:
A bunch of moron greeks decided it would be a good idea to road block Sydney Rd tonight, just outside the Moreland Hotel at about 1am. Orginally I thought it was an accident as I saw some scattered cars, hazard lights and a group of people. But as 4 other cars and I traveled towards them and we began to drive past, I started to fear when I saw the blue and white flags come up.
There was a ford laser hatch at the front of our que, then a toyota tray then me. The hatch was jumped on immeditaly, at least 10 people swarmed him and began to rock the car while others jumped on the roof. The tray in front of me seeing this, planted it and took to the wrong side of the road to get past, I followed his path but the crowd seeing the tray get past rushed into me, and just as I was breaking out of the crowd I copped 2 huge kicks into the drivers side of my car by some top bloke dickheads greeks, Almost with a mind to jump out of the car and punch the ***heads in there ugly faces I realised there was only 1 of me and about 40 of them and not a thing I could do. :cuss: