Hey groovers,
I bought a M35 Stagea Axis 2003 last year, mostly thanks to time spent lurking on this forum
Anywayz... I have an issue I was hoping you might help me get closer to diagnosing.
The engine light comes on sometimes, and the car gets low power when this happens (crap accelleration with total max speed 40km/h)
Normally turning the engine off and restarting it does the trick, the light goes off and back to full power again.
Although sometimes it takes 4 or 5 restarts of the engine, (not good for my starter motor!)
The car then runs beautifully for days at a time, then I get the engine light issue a couple of times in a day.
The engine light more often comes on at first starting the engine.
But also, sometimes it happens while driving, at low revs (can be cruising in traffic at 50km/h then notice no power to accellerate and it's the engine light has come on, so drop gear back into neutral and turn motor off and restart a few times until light goes off)
It seems to help reset the engine light problem if I give the accellerator some extra gas when turning on the ignition.
If I dont give it extra gas when cranking the ignition, then it takes many more restarts until the engine light goes off (i.e. back to normal engine power again)
I called a Nissan performance mechanic in Melbourne and described the problem, but the guy I spoke to hadn't heard of this specific problem and wanted me to book the car in so he could run it on the dyno for testing.
I am cash strapped at the moment so can't afford a big amount of diagnostics and repair bills at this point
But thought I would post here just in case it sounds like some obvious specific part to be replaced (if someone's heard of this problem before)
At least then I might know what my target saving goal is before I take it in for repair$.
I'm pretty sparse on the mechanic side of things, but my guess is it's not getting enough fuel into the turbo?
Thanks for any comments and suggestions!!!