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Everything posted by Anfanee

  1. How the f**k do you use IE9? Im surprised your PC has not imploded. OH GOD AND ROB USES IE8 OHGODODODODODODODOD. DOWNLOAD GOOGLE CHROME NOW
  2. Just worried with the setup i had wasn't going to cope 100%. Its only costing like $400 so im like fk it go do it haha
  3. Ahh well. Shit happens when you own a GT-R rofl
  4. there is pics of the car in the act section someone got a mighty good spot rofl
  5. Cool thanks. I have a mate who may be interested ill let him know...
  6. So richard. Going an aftermarket fuel rail. Car wont be done till next week. Picking it up tonight and dropping it back in when the parts arrive. sighhhhh
  7. okay okay. A Mr hankey the christmas poo
  8. Oh man. Don't make me give you $50 and get a penis on your forehead.
  9. That strip that says skyline is hideous on the 33 and the rounding of the back is as well.
  10. Btw thanks richard that post you made on that GTR thats for sale got me a warning for off topic discussion hahahhahahahahahaha
  11. .BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Also picking up the GT-R IT'S FINALLY KINDA ALMOST DONE! for the next little while..
  12. i guess it would depend on how many we could get. Im happy to do it at ESP. I mean if ESP can't do it im sure we can move ti to Ult Tunes. Either way...
  13. you can pick up decent plasma tv's in the $400 mark ish for like 45-50" size if you shop around
  14. 40k seems way too high.. i dunno something rubs me the wrong way. esp since its a v spec
  15. I laughed pretty hard not going to lie. But something reads off on that GTR
  16. does that include original seats/brakes and wheel? or would they need to then be purchased ontop of that?
  17. Haha... I couldn't help myself.
  18. NO ILL BE DRIVING IT OUT *crosses fingers*
  19. Ill be there tomorrow picking up the GTR!
  20. Sweet thanks ill let you know
  21. sweet thanks! ill let you know! What about wheels?
  22. has anyone got a stock BOV for a 34 GT-T that i maybe could borrow for roadworthy stoofs? Also how much of a pain are they to swap? never done one lols
  23. It is very frustrating
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