After reading a whole bunch of comments i would like to add this: Do you your research and you will discover that the iphone 5 is an S3 with apple stickers on it. Apple paid samsung to use their internals. Not to mention that the new screen technology is also owned by samsung. I'm not an Apple hater by all means but a company that sues another company because "If you squint and look from this angle it kind of looks like our product". Apple have the same issue many different companies are falling into. Same shit different smell. They don't innovate anymore. They match the current best product on the market, slap their OS on it and go "ours is better buy it" and people do. Also if you have been following apple/the news lately you will see that last week their shares droped 20% in one week. I think that shows that people are getting sick of the same thing over and over. Apple was dead when steve resigned.