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Everything posted by Anfanee

  1. noppeeee couple more delays..... and i'm going away till the 4th. So probably back when i get back.
  2. just get one. or give me your engine. Either way.
  3. hey Ants... go look at pics of 32's.....
  4. Haha that's always the way
  5. Im predicting it wont be tomorrow.... lol
  6. With any luck tomorrow..........
  7. Could be his. He is north side and it's white.
  8. Oh that. Was posting the question for a mate that imported an fd.
  9. I've never imported one? I had a non turbo years ago and sold it..... Regret it ever since.
  10. Still keeping my eye out for a non turbo 32... Maybe a 32 gtst if the price is right.
  11. yeah we will see...
  12. It will sell for around that price. It just takes a while. I've seen multiple sell for upwards of $1900.
  13. also http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h201607634&thumb=http://auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/ra178/users/6/0/7/0/yasu32gtr2000-thumb-1352198724675226.jpg&title=GTRGT%20Rnismo
  14. 32 or 34 key? Also 330 is a bloody good buy.
  15. I've seen the 32 key sell for upwards of $1900 on import monster.
  16. I will add Last time mine was tuned it was winter and it was farken cold. It made 318. Mine should be done in the next week or so. Will see what it makes. I will say there isn't enough definitive results for -7's. I couldn't find a single one in the results thread.
  17. Cause fanboys.
  18. I think y'all are missing the point I'm trying to make. Completely.
  19. I'm just pointing out the logic tbh. Like I said just because you don't see value doesn't mean it's shit. If you only look at "value" why did you buy a 33? If you are only interested in increases why did you buy the heavy brother? Why? Because you wanted one. But people don't sit there preaching that they are shit. Off ye high horse and just accept everyone has different tastes and respect those tastes.
  20. Mate you bought a 33. Why didn't you spend thousands less and get a car that's faster? Oh because you wanted a 33? Oh OK. But because I don't see the value it's shit. #greatlogic
  21. A nice ti exhaust for a 32 is at least $2500... % wise of the value of the car they are equal. So I will say again. Just because his don't see value doesn't mean it's shit.
  22. Then you realize them spending $5 mil on a car is less of a % of their income than you buying a skyline worth 10k Who is the idiot? Apples and oranges mate.
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