Wants a 25 year old car that has no rust or damage.... And on top of that said car with no rust or damage needs to have been parted out so it's just a roller?
Good luck with that.
Gets a massive single and complains about lagg...
Just quietly my poor man's 2.6 made 320kw on pump with -7s..... Soon to be more with e85. Any man's guess as to what it will make... Guessing 350. Maybe more. I'd say the -7s will run out of puff at 350.
For people to say you need e85 for it to work properly should be shot. Unless it's a track build the idea of e85 is great but it's availability makes it mediocre at best. keep in mind I'm only flex tuning it because haltech and it was $200 more than setup on just 98. I will be running 98 most of the time.
If you are not happy with it now, pull the turbo off and go smaller and run less power. E85 will only bandaid the issue and not fix it.
Going back in time for a little nostalgia for me.....
I farken miss this PoS, i should not have sold it. I would love another N/A again.
also a sneaky shot of the big brother in the garage....
Just started to collect parts for a new build, my 5 year old PC is starting to show its age.
Starting off with a Mini ITX and a Lian Li.
I have the case, but i'm waiting for all the new lineup of GPU's to be released.