A massive thanks to the organisers and volunteers for making the day happen! As usual it was an awesome day with MUCH fun had by all involved. With out you guys none of the fun would happen so you guys and girls ROCK!!
Car update:
Car ran awesome with only a couple of little issues
- Split an oil line on my catch can which squirted oil across the carbys making it run like a chaff cutter at one point
- Shit a wheel bearing on the second last run of the day (still did the last run anyway )
I am gonna try and have my rear brake upgrade and hydraulic hand brake in for the next one!!!
Look forward to seeing all you maniacs there next time BRING IT ON!!!!!!
i am happy to come and be an official if i dont get a spot... i am 3rd on the reserve list and paid, but if i dont get a run, i am happy to come marshall for you guys... That being said, DROP OUT PEOPLE DAMNIT!!
How disappointed am I? Paid entry fee at 6.30 but couldn't send forms till 8.30... Now I'm on the reserve list!!!
Gonna be shattered if I don't get a run after all the time and effort to get the car ready
over all i am pretty happy considering i was driving a taxi... cant wait to see the difference in times when i bring my datto... Build update is i have got the new struts and brakes, castor bars and all i am waiting on is the control arms now... so close to ready yet SOOO far!!!
That foto of the skyline drifting at the ducks is f**kIN INSANE!!! Well captured by the photographer. Thanks to JRM Photography for the photos of my XR Cab... they look sweet...
Any results up yet? or am i blind and cant see the link posted?
MASSIVE thanks to the organisers and volunteers for putting on the day. Had an absolute blast!!! Disappointed that i couldnt get my datto 1600 out, but i will do my best to get it out for December, if i can ya'll in big big trouble!! Cant wait to see some of the vids and pics of the mighty XR CAB. See ya'll soon!!
i am DEFINATELY not saying that the DECA day layout isn't outstanding as it is, and i was not suggesting drop the mini/long wang. I was just wondering if there would be any consideration for a skid pan only day as maybe a one off.... But the waiting time is a good point. i didnt think of that...
Hey guys, i was just wondering what the chances would be of running a day at DECA solely on the skid pan... Would this be something you would consider?