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Everything posted by Lynx

  1. LOL and they reckon using a mobile phone is dangerous......try shifting and hand signalling at the same time
  2. Xcellent! Have to bring it around the store tomorrow!
  3. HEHEHE bingo You got the GTR yet Rev?
  4. Yes that was highly amusing.......I wonder if he realises now that he sux at singing?
  5. 1990 EA Series II Falcon (slightly fun) 2000 AU Falcon Forte (slightly more funness) 1995 R33 GTST (EXTREME FUNNESS)
  6. Lynx


    I dont know you any more Nex.........
  7. Hows about wash 3 times a day (hair once a day), dont exfoliate, definitely hate any type of cream/lotion so no to the moisturiser, never heard of shaving balm but do use aftershave occasionally. No pun intended but I do use a fair bit of Lynx body spray too.....
  8. Lynx

    Its a....

    Hope she doesnt inherit your sideburns dude!
  9. I've driven in every state in Aus and if the driving ability in general of West Australians is anything to go by then the test will be piss easy! No offence intended (there are some very good drivers in WA as well) but the general knowledge on road rules, simple merging of lanes, parallel/reverse parking and plain common sense driving is definitely lacking, and certainly the worst in Australia. They are passing a bill in WA to impound cars of reckless drivers soon.....I believe they should teach and test them a little better before they let them drive!!
  10. Lynx

    Import Vids

    We have a few here at work, Harvey Norman Cannington. Serious Performance 5 has a R33 shootout which is pretty neat. There is a bay for rev head DVD's. Most range from $20-$39 bucks. Any SAUWA guys come see me and Ill make it a better price but
  11. Oh Good son of rajab Jesus Christ .....get That Picture Off Zanda!
  12. BAWHAWHAWHA I'm sure thats exactly what he said
  13. HEHEHE and to answer the obvious question.....Yes Gus (Nexus Six) was wearing a kilt, and yes he was wearing it in the proper Scottish freeballing tradition. (Pls dont ask how we found that out.....the memory is still quite disturbing ) :jump:
  14. LOL!! The funny thing is your probably not far wrong with that assessment Zanda!
  15. Cheeeeeers dude
  16. Ok....need to know which fuse it is for the interior light on 95 r33 GTST. Not the 2 near the windscreen but the one above the seats. I know where the fuse box is but unfortunately I cant read japanese and dont have a manual. Any help would be appreciated as there are quite a few fuses!!!!!
  17. BAWHAHAHA.......yeah imagine that *Lynx looks around nervously and pushes old HBF policy into the bin*
  18. I have the lightweight flywheel....No probs launching at all.....takes off faster than an Iraqi dictator! :sadam:
  19. I think we have a winner here.......EBM $702.35/yr Comprehensive cover $200 excess ($22000 Agreed Value)
  20. Yes well criminals who get caught are generally not the most intellectually enhanced people
  21. Dude if you do give me a call....I'll pop over and have a look
  22. At the price they were asking I'd say it was the consumer getting the fisting......with both hands.
  23. LOL and it goes like the wind..... When do you get the GTR Rev?
  24. I laughed when she said it....I seriously thought she was joking. I think she got offended when I said "no really what is the yearly price?" followed by "you gotta be sh*tting me!"
  25. EBM INSURANCE BROKERS 105 Outram St West Perth 6005 Ph: (08) 9213 4567 Fx: (08) 9322 2806 www.whitepages.com.au dude
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