I wouldnt mind guessing that Mrs Roberts was that 50+ year old that was doing 40km down the freeway with the line of 50 or so cars behind her.
Personally I'd feel safer if they went and forced a compulsary drivers licence re-test every 3-5 years, especially for the elderly. I wouldnt mind betting that there were more deaths last year from people who can not drive correctly, dont look before they change lanes, and dont know the road rules than any deaths related to so called "hoons".
The real problem they should address is teaching people how to drive. This unfortunately is something they dont do here in WA. The driving test is a joke and if they really want to make an impact on road deaths then they should be testing and training drivers more often.
Personally I think this law won't do a single thing to reduce any sort of "hooning". It would also be interesting to see how the legalities of it would stack up in a courtroom if they tried to take the vehicle from someone (any lawyers in here?).