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Everything posted by saff_cossie

  1. Happy Birthday Mr Contaminator! (ref. 1 destroyed tequilla sunrise, 1 blocked straw and 1 burnt eye!)
  2. woohoo! thanks voters!
  3. Can't believe I missed this thread. My fish from Port Melbourne (Hunky Dory's) comes with some kind of seasoning on top so it doesnt need anything. This IS the best fish around. They also make a great Greek Salad to go with it. Guess that puts my vote with Ash. Damn. Growing up at home though, was always tartare sauce and vinegar.
  4. Great pics and really like the colour co-ordination. In all my years there, I only spotted one skyline which was a 33 GTR in silver on a trip back to see my parents once. This was about 2 years ago. I know of several over there including Cam's red 34 GTR which I dont see in any pics but I know he hasnt been in the best of health lately so quite possibly didnt show. Great effort and in my experience, getting UK guys/girls to an event is a lot harder than the aussie's due to stepping outside of the comfort zone in a large part.
  5. The Baron - nice pic of my car, thanks mate
  6. That was a superb find! Mav consider it payback for that txt! Well done to the organisers, was very smooth even in the face of the surprise fun run. Had a great day. If doing again, my only feedback would be possibly to use the marquee and have some kind of club banner up as I had 2 sets of people ask why the cars were there. If we had a big SAU logo on the roof of the marquee or that skylinesaustralia.com banner up, it might inform more people. Excellent event, well done to everyone and great to see so many cars out.
  7. Good to see you have the Marshalls where they Matters :laugh:
  8. Unfortunately Nic cannot vote. She forgot to change her address within the first 3 months of moving house here so when she called up during the week to change (a little late I know and pointed out!), they said she is not eligible to vote. She has to attend though to avoid the fine. I suggested she went back to her mum's address and voted which was her last mailing address in this country but apparently it is a no goer. As for me, not eligible either
  9. Ditto what Will said except for the donating in the UK but definately happy to call into the playboy mansion with some drinks.
  10. Awesome shots Aaron. A few of mine inc interior from other sierra which is genuine 3dr with no bolster sagging. My brother now has them as arm chairs in his room with wooden bases. I dont have many electronically. Most are paper. Ready for the ship
  11. Just discussing with the alchomaholics in the club. Imperial from 6pm, prob until 6.30-6.40ish then onto the movies. See you all tomorrow.
  12. I was just thinking the same!! I thought I was bad with pics of my car! Good shots Dane BTW - Team Blue Evo is offended at you deserting to the Red Evo camp and says, no more rides
  13. Happy Birthday mate. Hope you have a good one
  14. Definately SSV and also Mark. Mine came from there and service was nothing less than excellent. Little way out of town though so assuming you have wheels of some kind to get to your original intended dealer. They are just past Chadstone on the cnr of Princes Hwy and Huntingdale Rd.
  15. I have also watched it, all be it in poor quality but have been a fan of Borat for years so wanted to see it on the big screen to do it justice. How about the 6.50pm one then people?
  16. Thanks for the vids Martin, a couple of good ones of the Evo. Did anyone get any of me on the Long Wang, particularly the garage area?
  17. I am saddened with my result, off to console myself On a happier note, well done to Dan and James, both surprise high finishers for me. Also to Juz and Adam for finishing where they did. I hit one cone all day and spun in the same session on the skid pan which cost me 14 seconds all up. That said it would only have placed me 2 spots higher overall. Onwards and upwards (I can dream!)
  18. Hi all A few of us are thinking of going to see Borat on Thursday evening at the Jam Factory. Several of the rex contingent have got wind of it also so am putting it out as an open invite. Need to check viewing times but possibly an early evening viewing and perhaps a drink and or something to eat afterwards. Maybe 7pm ish? Will check times later or if anyone wants to post up times it would be helpful.
  19. hmmm, I appear to be the butt of all jokes! Damn that fence, costing me my cred Oh and BTW Mr Pres, have waited a long time for this, it is "pp" in "Sapphire" Easier to explain where my name comes from now, Sapphire Cosworth abbreviated is saff cossie and I just added a _ between them for good measure as one forum wouldnt allow spaces.
  20. Welcome mate, will be good to see you tonight. Get some pics up if you have any
  21. Thanks for the offer mate, I am not sure if he can but will ask. He has a couple of offers to get him home I think also. Will ask and see if he can. Thanks again Bec - no probs and thanks anyway, I thought most of the Knox regulars would be city side already for work.
  22. Is anyone coming from Knox shopping centre tomorrow night and able to give someone a lift there and back if need be? I would if I lived closer but live in Port Melb and only a few blocks from the Bells. He is keen to come but is only 17 so doesnt have his licence. If anyone can, let me know and I will put you in touch. Thanks in advance
  23. saff_cossie

    Dba Rotors

    I also need rotors and pads all round. Would be interested in knowing the DBA price range.
  24. Damn you Poite News flash........... Busted sizing next victim: http://www.pbase.com/sooty34/image/70485627
  25. LMFAO!! Damn you Poiter!! There was me blaming Chrisman who actually ordered Nath and I another Margareta (wasnt going to down 2 myself this time after August's efforts). He then went and bought us a beer each in the Yahoo bar to apologise, thanks Scottie Yeah for once me being on the receiving end of the humor was a little different and can imagine the laughs from it! Was a superb weekend and defo more pics on cows needed! Thanks also to the additional photographers since my last post, Will, Sarah and co. Sunshine - my handbrake was tightened to one notch on Friday night so was good to go on Saturday AM.
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