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Everything posted by saff_cossie

  1. Yeah should be there, not sure in what car though.
  2. Man this is old, I have some awesome repost pics especially for you! Get well soon Richard
  3. That was the one I was thinking of. There is a very nice example in the rex club.
  4. What kind of speed do you need to hit to clear the gap? Pics look great.
  5. Didnt realise that. They have installed two poles with cameras which is the only reason I assumed it was speed camera activated by red light.
  6. One newly installed at Bay Road next to Southland on Nepean Hwy, flashed a couple of times at the car in front of me this morning while the lights were on green. I even went through on green. It looks like one of the new speed camera ones. Am wondering if maybe they are set up as a straight fixed speed camera as well although my understanding was it only picked speed up if you booted it through on the amber/red.
  7. Makes sense now. Surprises me though as all weekend the organisers demonstrated exceptional efficency with data. E.g awards and times that night, SMS results, results on the web already.
  8. LOL! Just noticed that as well! Marcus White will surely be pissed with his car classified as a 1995 when his plate says 1996!
  9. HA HA! Trophy already has your name on it in preparation for you not arriving!
  10. She has plans mate. Cleared. Might bring the Lib so at least its the right marque.
  11. It was intended as a prompt incase Pete had overlooked it rather than, "they will need to be licensed". I work for a company where we have to ensure machine and vehicle operators are appropriately licenced.
  12. On the oveall results, how come Jeff and Peter are down as a 2000 model VI? They were in a red IX so 05/06 model I thought. Phenominal driving by the pair either way. Am very impressed by the overall standard though.
  13. Sounds good. Can the rex wannabe come along. Have to clear with "she who must be obeyed"
  14. Will be at the Docklands stage, would be rude not to really! Joel, need anyone to carry that camera equipment
  15. We are in Dandenong, will ask where our signs were done.
  16. Dezz would get that over you I think
  17. Yeah definately second that. Looked good but that thing blipping the accelerator was deafening. At least he turned it off when waiting. $400K to build though one of the Porsche guys was saying!
  18. Congrats to all. You all did really well, was a great weekend indeed Yes the lights were on, learnt from James, now turned off though Friends, lol! Fantastic effort to all, well done to all. Didnt make Sandown and Essendon or the Dick but had an awesome weekend anyway.
  19. Are you heading to TDW tonight? Well deserved no doubt mate.
  20. Agree with Ash here. Traffic lights have all loop holes I know covered except for trucks on their length. E.g Dont enter intersection if unclear on the other side You should be able to stop if it turns amber by adjusting your speed on the approach Amber doesnt mean boot it (even though we have all done it) Not having a go at you but unlike speeding where things can be contested, I dont know of any with traffic lights. Are you sure it wasnt a car near you that triggered it? We get loads for work for trucks that go through on green but get pinged on the red due to the length. Our driver employer at work gets most of the trucks out of the fines and points as they are green on entry to the intersection.
  21. Got back this morning after spending Friday night and Saturday up there with the Dutton people (trying to be politically correct!). We managed to tag on to the end of dinner/awards last night (Bec, Min and I) as we were not entrants and didnt pay the meal fee. I won't spoil too much but can say all are doing well and putting on some awesome displays. Chris at the SPC carpark last night had everyone cheering with his performance with Snowy and Adam close behind. Chris and Snowy are 6th overall as a team if I recall correctly and both are top 10 individually. Adam is also doing very well in about 8th in a slightly different category. Steve McQueen and Johnny Knoxville are going great guns in the silver bullet. Juz and Adam are also doing well. Lots of awesome driving and a stunning day in Shep yesterday. BTW - lots of fast Evos Am sure the participants will update more accurately later on.
  22. saff_cossie

    Help Needed

    Can Mavric help with ones that fit his banana bar?
  23. Yep thats it! Garbage Pail Kids. I remember one had a razor and was peeling skin off from somewhere, maybe face or leg.
  24. Does it help you go faster, if so put me down Maybe a group buy!
  25. You must be 10 years old than me! While I was an 8 year kid trading Garbage Gang cards, you would have been hooning around in an Austin Metro and discovering alcohol not looking at Garbage Gang cards! LOL! I am talking about Garbage Gang cards like football cards BTW, I think you might be talking about a TV show?
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