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Everything posted by saff_cossie

  1. ^^ Probably won't enter mate as I don't have it anymore. Will see though
  2. Yeah why not. Not sure on entering but supporting is just as fun (nearly!). Will book and let you know B.
  3. Headlights ^^
  4. Mav/Adz, what time are your flights? I need to lock them in too. Somewhere central would be good and happy to head up on the 6th for a few quiet beers in Sydney, spot of sight seeing on Saturday before the event, then home some time in the morning on the Sunday
  5. Looks ace, is this the same kit as Aaron has on his? Really finishes the car off and the best colour for a 34 IMO, good work
  6. Best case scenario, you borrow a cat, I assume the rest of the system is legal and you pass the test with a bit of inconvenience and minimal cash outlay. I am assuming from the responses, you didnt realise the cat had been removed if indeed it has? It could just be a way of justifying sending you for the inspection. The 10K Al mentions is if you are pulled over by Vic Roads themselves rather than Police sending you for an inspection.
  7. Shell V Power Racing is/was 100 RON but its getting harder to find it now. Punt Rd Shell used to stock it, it has the ethanol in it, will chat with the guys and see if we still deliver it as I havent seen a schedule for it for a few weeks at least.
  8. The g/f and I are heading up for this, via plane. Adz/Leewang, where are you staying? The email is generating much interest and need to book something ASAP. Thinking of Fri night after work and Sunday morning fly back.
  9. Some interesting points above. I work for the parent company of the largest fuel and gas distributor (80%) here in Oz and have done a lot of work with BP, Shell and Caltex directly hence why I receive their schedules daily. One of my projects has been automating them via a custom mobility solution to each truck. The trucks you see below the Westgate bridge are ours, that is our Spotswood depot. We have trucks labelled with our company name, the parent company name and also the customer's name e.g BP & Shell. Interesting link above, thanks for posting.
  10. Checked just for you, Berwick is tomorrow's run and is 14,000 litres so a fairly good amount, 8000 is low and 24,000 is very good. Has a note on there saying "AM Request" so would say head down late morning and the driver has 2 drops before it. It is a special Ultimate delivery, no other product. Got to scoot, g/f getting angry as we are running late! Will respond to any others in the morning.
  11. Nice clean bayside blue GTT in Brighton today with WA plates. Also a silver 32 GTST looking like he was cutting laps up Church St with for a for sale sticker on the back.
  12. Ok, Ultimate is being delivered to the following servos over the next few days (I get the schedules emailed daily to me): Monday: Glenrowan South (prob not a lot of help) Thomastown Keon Parade Chadstone, Warrigal Road - good amount going in here BP Elwood BP Eltham BP Big Pine, Frankston BP Longwarry Outbound BP Rooksby (Canterbury and Rooks Rd) BP The Tulla - Melbourne Airport BP Pakenham Saturday (today): Fitzroy - Johnson St Glenroy (Pascoe Vale Rd) Heidelberg Rd, Fairfield BP Seaview, Rye BP Edithvale BP Moonee Vale, Moonee Ponds BP Kealba, Sunshine Av Wantirna, Wantirna South Burwood, Burwood Hwy Springvale, Springvale Rd Burwood East, Blackburn and Burwood Hwy Caroline Springs BP Whitehall, Footscray BP Tecoma, Burwood Hwy BP Glenrowan North Hope this helps, Sunday is floating around somewhere, will dig it out later if I get time.
  13. I think you missed the point of Snowy's post..... Car hire I can help with as I am also organising the trip back to the motherland with a few different places en route including the Ring. No I am not German.
  14. Very nice black 32 GTR with a black 34 GTR rear wing on it near Bay St in Port Melbourne. Looks really good and havent seen that done before.
  15. I am sure I saw this car about 3 weeks ago just off Bay Street Port Melbourne, near your place. Shortly before I saw WAYKUN on an Evo IX.
  16. Ca Ching - This man is on the money. I got caught 2 years ago by the one on the reverse side of the Altona bridge, city bound. Wrote a nice letter to the issuing officer making reference to my clean history and priding myself on it. I received a letter back informing me that speed limits are there for my safety etc and consider it removed (fine and 1 point). Only time it won't work (as a rule) is on P plate offences from the info others have said. That was my first and only offence I was caught for.
  17. Mav is your man, installed my Evo with a great setup.
  18. Was supposed to be flying to Thailand on Boxing day for 9 days but not sure at the moment, is up in the air as all paid for but not sure on flights and safety. If not, will stay locally. Christmas with the g/f's family though. First time all brothers and sisters have been together for Christmas in over 10 years so will be great.
  19. Yes believe all is well with him. I started asking on Thursday when it emerged in the news as I normally see him online at work and knew he was headed for London this weekend. My understanding is he was in Dubai en route to London as it broke out but am sure he will be online in the next day or so to update
  20. We own (well paying off a mortgage) and have done for the past 2.5 years. We had a good opportunity and price to buy at so did it. It has its moments though and with changing jobs it gets a bit nerve wracking as well as owning a performance car or any expensive car for that matter becomes a juggle. Ours had appreciated a lot and when we put it on the market, the agent even said last November, December was the height for our area and being an apartment near the beach it has some slight seasonal fluctuation too. As long as the asset appreciates more than the interest in the period you are living there, it is a good thing. No point crippling yourself on a mortgage that in 2-3 years if you want to sell, you have paid more than it has appreciated.
  21. lets play, where is your other hand and what are you doing behind it! Very nice car and looks even better after the clean
  22. This will be the first DECA I have not competed in since Feb 06 and other than the inaugral one, the only other one I havent competed in. Sadly the Evo was sold late last week and I dont think I can get the mini again. Already has a new gearbox and is in being repaired after an encounter with a wallaby. I may come up to watch and marshall though
  23. Thanks all, had a good day. Sorry I won't make the meeting tonight, going for a few drinks and dinner within walking distance to stagger home from See you all soon
  24. Personally for the couple I have had, I prefer to go to the supplier directly, in my case Telstra and Optus. Telstra was chosen for coverage and nothing else and Optus was chosen for the availability of plans and the iPhone plus I was pissed off with Telstra for their high excess charges and useless staff each time I spoke to someone.
  25. Shannons do offer insurance to under 25's but not via the website, only via phone in my experience. My g/f has been on my Evo's and the first one was when she was 23. She also had her Subaru insured in her own name with them at 23 and currently has the Mini with them but is now over 25. This was 3 years ago though so things could have changed. I imagine it is on a case by case basis with risk the denominator. Track insurance is offered in Australia but at a premium for the day only and at a percentage value of the vehicle up to X percent from my understanding. I don't know if Shannons do it though.
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