We have 2 price structures in the gym.
1. You pay $20pw, use the gym for 7 days, powerlifting area is off limits
2. You pay $40, you get programming, coaching and nutrition advice, use of the whole gym
So Max has every competing lifters program in his iPad, the entire program, so when they come in they either ask Max or look it up on his iPad.
Max writes all these programs for the lifters in his spare time. They are based off last comp lifts or tested PB's if the client hasnt competed before.
He selects the lifters next meet, then works backwards from that date. Lewis is a Sudanese boy that just started with us, very skinny, he is doing 5 x 5 until his first comp is 12 weeks away, then he begins his comp prep. While he's doing 5 x 5, Max has picked assistance exercises to help with his weaknesses.
Dan America totalled 700kg on June 15 at Nats, weighing 125kg. He is still 125kg, has not missed a single rep this prep, not one, has a 280kg squat to get tomorrow and he is at 100%.
The ability to write a 12 week program for a lifter who is very advanced, have him make EVERY rep, yet still end up with new PB's totalling 745kg is nothing short of incredible. At Nats Dan squatted 265kg, benched 160kg and deadlifted 275kg. This week, after his 280kg squat in the morning, he has benched 180kg and deadlifted 285kg.
I'd post up the 180kg bench and 285kg squat but bozo dont play that.
Programming, coaching and support in a team is why our guys improve so much.