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The Sherrid

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Everything posted by The Sherrid

  1. Ok people, as you all know the mould is ready and wings are available. The actuall price is $200 but since you all were budgeting for $150 I will honour that price for you and you only if you place an order and pay for it before 3rd of may. that should give you all enough time to read this thread and get your cash together!
  2. sorry prank, since i dont have a mould i cant make you one. Um since you are a moderator you can delete this thread when you have time. sorry fro any inconvienience!
  3. They usually are stuck to the exhaust side manifold from your turbo so that might be difficult, but you can use one from any rb turbo that is allready dead. i have heaps of dead turbos if you want its yours for free just come and get it 0413 714 354 if thats not what your talking about then let me know
  4. Hi guys I am looking for some of these indicators as per picture. Second hand, brand new, original, aftermarket whatever just post me your price and number and ill get back to you. by the way Im not shopping for the best price so first in best dressed! anything under $160 genuine each will be accepted (need 2 sets)
  5. well it looks like i have made a blunder of this lower lips thread so I am going to pull out this offer, My appologies to all who were interested and disgruntled, we have been waiting for 2 more people for the R33 GTR's and now one has pulled out so I am bailing before it turns ugly. If i do go ahead for some strange reason all the poeple on the list so far will be notified and offered one. to make it fair I'll keep it going for another week ending on 17 April. thankyou.
  6. yeah mate i sure do i am the guy that bought the other one off you, you can just come and pick it up or you can just use silicone. (no charge) 0413 714 354
  7. should be ready next week, and no it doesnt have the brake light
  8. ok ill see what i can do
  9. have some for $450
  10. how much is an arm and a leg? I have what you need
  11. sorry but "flexi plus" = ?
  12. can get one for you but it wont be cheap, probably $50 let me know 0413 714 354
  13. 51Jay: Thank you for your kind words. Its nice to see someone with some experience with bodykits. It makes a difference when people know their stuff. pawley : just waiting for the limit to be reached as you can see some people had pulled out, i am also trying to source a front bar in good nic to copy sewid: not at this stage
  14. he's not my mate i just buy a lot of shit from him. its called nitrous express or some thing just call him and ask him for details
  15. Just another update guys, here is the current list, 8 R33's and 2 R32's Name Model Series Type Quantity jlnewton R33 GTR 3 either 1 MeshMesh R33GTR 3 carbon fibre 2 Blitz – Nick R33GTR 3 either 1 Simmo R32GTR N/A carbon Fibre 1 JagR33 R33GTR 3 fibre glass 1 Pawley R33GTR 3 carbon fibre 1 Bambinator R33GTR 3 carbon fibre 1 Ph1 R33GTR 3 carbon fibre 1 Gav R32GTR N/A carbon fibre 1 Incognito R33GTR 3 carbon fibre 1
  16. BMT has a good system for sale you should really consider it. A wet system is just mixing the fuel with the nos so if you install it right with a bit of know how you can achieve the same thing I did it on my et. If you have an aftermarket ecu which most of them do fuel as standard then your laughing. If your still not sure there is a guy at TCG "The City Garage" called george who sells a wet system with either throttle or switch activated for $1100 if you mention that bj put you on to him them he might through in a full bottle of gas. 9326 8807.
  17. can do if you want for $200 just call me on 0413 714 354 i live in kew. vic
  18. might be ablre toi help with a wing but what kind of style of wheels are you after and how much do you want to spend?
  19. there is a guy who i get all my brake stuff from, he is an old moody guy but i can gaurantee you that if he cant get it then no one can. he owns brakebits in knox city vic and his name is peter, his number is 98019438 mention my name as bj and he should be more friendlier to deal with.
  20. ph1: The carbon kevlar is again twice as expensive as the carbon fibre. Merli: Ithankyou for being honest and feed back is nescessary for me to make something that will make your cars stand out and ofcourse add pride to your machine. Just a short on the durability, I have noticed that some may not be familiar with the durability of the materials on offer. Fibre glass: The way in which the glass is layed and the amount of resin used determines flexability. If you request something to be very thick for example 8 to 10 mm thck then the likelyhood of it shatering is much greater. On the otherhand something very thin eg 2 to 4 mm thick is likely to flex alot but may tear so a happy medium between these two is what i try to achieve. If you damage the lip it can be repaired for $50 at most even if its in two bits. then ofcourse painting and re-fitting etc. Carbon fibre: Is much more flexable and stronger (like 10 fold) in both aspects when applied with the happy medium aplication. but when fixed the repair will stand out like dogs balls because the criss cross pattern will be disturbed unless painted in a colour other than clear. It will still be smooth as a baby's but just the pattern will be disturbed. Carbon kevlar is very similar to carbon fibre but twice as flexable and strong and also twice the price. It too will look ugly if a repair is needed unless painted in a colour other than clear.
  21. YES, Mesh confirmed. as i said i am sorry to let anyone down, it is not my intention to mislead anyone. I re - read the post and realized that i had made a blunder. I know its not difficult to read but i became a bit careless with the details of the buy and focused on the posting rules so i didnt have to repost and loose momentum with the interest. I think its a reasonable deal for you guys and you may too if you do a little research yourself. I'm not offering a charity, I'm in it to make a profit and you guys should be in it to take advantage of the services i can offer. Let me break it down to you Material costs $47.65 per square metre (carbon fibre) - full sq mtr used for 1 lip resin costs $5.00 mould release wax $1.00 clean rags, paint brusshes etc small costs $6.00 about 6 hours to make one, about $15.00 per hour - not included in cost Clear paint $60 per litre - 250 ml used per lip Spray painter to paint, block and polish 6 coats, and polish between every two coats to give a superior product. $100 so the total is now mmm let me do it for you, cost for a carbon fibre lip is $174.65 so for 6 hours work and some orgaisational work i get 75.35 that gives me $12.55 per hour. do you work for less than $15.00 per hour? I dont know what you guys do for a job, but working in the race car industry, makes you a perfectionist. I too have a nice car and help with advice where ever i can to those without much knowledge. I am not a businessman here trying to make a fast buck and I dont make crap products!!!!!!
  22. will get back to you as soon as they are ready, just send me an email to qndbodykits@hotmail.com and i will get back to you when they are ready
  23. I just had a very good email requesting the price of the carbon fibre lips. In the original post I wrote that the lips would be $150 ea or $100 for 5 or more. This price was for the fibre glass ones only However the carbon fibre ones would be around twice the price. After checking the cost of materials The cost has been finalized to $300 each and $250 for 5 or more! If anyone has any issues please contact me one way or another. My appolagies if anyone has been mislead!
  24. To all, as some of you allready know I am currently in the process of making a mould of the low style wing as pictured in the link (first post) by HKSgtst. They will go for about $150 I am willing to do a swap plus maybe some other kit stuff for HKSgtst let me know.
  25. ok, guys it seems that there is more than enough interest for the lips. I am jsut sourcing a series 3 lip that is in good condition and i havnt forgotten about you prank. If anybody would like to beat me to the punch and has a series 3 lip in good condition then let me know as the lucky person will get theirs for free!
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