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Shoota_77 last won the day on February 24

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About Shoota_77

  • Birthday 21/11/1977

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    Datsun 1200 Utes.

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    R33 GT-R V Spec RB30/26
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  1. That is the epitome of how it's done! Rolling around in a Q7, draggin a dirty old Datsun around! Have fun! I've gifted myself an SQ7 demo at the moment. V8 twin turbo perfection. I may or may not still have a licence when I go to hand it back. I'm not going to enjoy when I have to park it and get back in the Amarok.... Post some vids of the beast on the track!
  2. Good tips, I like it! 😂😂 My wife is a LOT more frugal than me so it's only me we need to worry about! A splurge to her is buying 2 pairs of socks in one visit at Kmart!
  3. Yeah kids certainly add a whole another dimension to your life. Life ceases to be about you and more about them for a while! And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love watching them play sport and make new friends along the way. Wow, sounds like your mate is a good guy to know!!! He's got some serious toys in the toy box! Yes it would be lovely to be able to do stuff to your car without getting all tied up in boring shit like how to pay for it!! I would describe my spending style as "aggressively spontaneous and logical but regrettable purchasing".... That will hopefully make no sense at all which would be appropriate given that is how I buy stuff. I'll decide at the drop of a hat that I'm buying something expensive, research the living shit out of it for 2 days straight then go out and buy it. Then I'll have instant buyers remorse for 2 days which generally passes by the time it turns up on the front step! If I'm feeling ballsy sometimes I'll tell my wife. Other times it just makes its way silently passed the house and out the back to the shed, never to be spoken of again...
  4. @MBS206 you need more shed in your life... What sort of car is your mates race car? Hopefully he returns the favour when you're ready to get cracking on yours! None of my mates are into cars so I don't have to worry about that as a distraction thankfully. I have enough other distractions so I don't need that one too! Between working 6 days a week (5 1/2 really so 55 hours or so per week), both kids have basketball almost every week night (including Friday night in Melbourne - 2 hours away), my daughter plays netball as well, my sons footy has started now and I coach his under 14's side as well as I'm on the Footy club committee this year, I ride motorbikes every spare Sunday I can find, plus trying to be some sort of a husband. Life is a busy little exercise at the moment! I wish there were 8 or 9 days in a week sometimes!
  5. Ha ha, that is very true! I'm too scared to leave it in the position though, it tingles my balls seeing it like that!
  6. Ha ha, ended up going it alone. I just sent it (in a very nervous fashion). Once I'd released the locks and it didn't automatically start spinning out of control i felt a bit more confident. It made some loud sounds (cracking and creaking noises) when I first spun it which got the heart rate going again! I couldn't bring myself to leave it tipped on the side. I feel a bit more comfortable having back right side up while it sits there. I'd get angry with your last point but you're 100% correct! 😅 Even yesterday I managed to distract myself at numerous times to make a bracket to fit an LED flood light off the back of the house and fix my sons pushbike. There were other little taks nibbling at my brain for the rest of the day too...
  7. Probably one of the more nerve wracking experiences of my entire life! 😂😂 The balance (centre of gravity) is out still but in a direction that gives me comfort! It's quite bottom heavy still meaning it takes a bit of muscle to rotate it. The plus side of that is that it wants to to go back to upright. Better that than wanting to go all stranded turtle on me!
  8. Sounds insane! 🤤🤤🤤 Do you have any vids of it driving? A flyby would be nice!
  9. Was not scared..... 😬😬😬 20250222_153105.mp4 Now what.......?
  10. Wowzers.... You've got some explaining to do young man.... How T.F did we go from some swiss cheese panels on the ground to a fully finished car attending car shows? Don't you realise that car building porn is what we're here for? I DEMAND more photos an information on the process. Please.........? 🙏
  11. Yep, it's why in Australia we never brought in the 1 child policy like China. China can't afford to use the shit they make in their own country as it's too much to risk having only one child... Or maybe that's how they test their shit before they send it to Australia - they use the second kid that families had when they weren't supposed to as the tester? They weren't supposed to exist in the first place so no loss if they succumb to a work place incident? 🤣
  12. This makes sense. I have 2 so I'll just choose the least favourable child to perform the task. If all turns to shit, I've still got a spare. Win-win!
  13. Personally I wouldn't put tyres over 4 or 5 years old on any of my own cars. Once they go hard the grip characteristics completely change. As per most things it only matters in an accident and that's when you most want them to do their job!
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