@MBS206 you need more shed in your life...
What sort of car is your mates race car? Hopefully he returns the favour when you're ready to get cracking on yours!
None of my mates are into cars so I don't have to worry about that as a distraction thankfully. I have enough other distractions so I don't need that one too! Between working 6 days a week (5 1/2 really so 55 hours or so per week), both kids have basketball almost every week night (including Friday night in Melbourne - 2 hours away), my daughter plays netball as well, my sons footy has started now and I coach his under 14's side as well as I'm on the Footy club committee this year, I ride motorbikes every spare Sunday I can find, plus trying to be some sort of a husband. Life is a busy little exercise at the moment! I wish there were 8 or 9 days in a week sometimes!